Bank records show $28,500 deposit to Syed Farook’s account two weeks before the shooting – IOTW Report

Bank records show $28,500 deposit to Syed Farook’s account two weeks before the shooting


FOX: A $28,500 deposit was made to Syed Farook’s bank account from on or about Nov.18, some two weeks before he and his wife Tashfeen Malik carried out the San Bernardino massacre, a source close to the investigation told Fox News Monday.

Investigators are exploring whether the transaction was a loan taken out by Farook, who with his wife killed 14 and wounded 21 when they opened fire at a holiday lunch.  He earned $53,000 a year with the county as an environmental health inspector.

On its website, the Utah-headquartered describes itself as “a leading provider of national consumer and commercial private-label and bank card financing programs” on a nationwide basis. read more


8 Comments on Bank records show $28,500 deposit to Syed Farook’s account two weeks before the shooting

  1. If it was a loan, they might want to check sharia-compliant lenders first. Not that it matters, because taqiyah, but Farook might have been a good little muslim robot, doing everything by the book to get his 72 virgins and get away from his beast wife of convenience.

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