Bank Run? Canada’s Top Banks Mysteriously Go Offline – IOTW Report

Bank Run? Canada’s Top Banks Mysteriously Go Offline

Zero Hedge: Days after Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said he would invoke emergency orders to crack down on demonstrators by freezing their bank accounts, five major Canadian banks went offline on Wednesday night, as customers reported their funds were unavailable, according to technology website Bleeping Computer

Royal Bank of Canada (RBC), BMO (Bank of Montreal), Scotiabank, TD Bank Canada, and the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC) were all hit with unexplainable outages on Wednesday evening. Users began reporting issues with banks around 1600-1700 ET, Downdector data showed.  read more

28 Comments on Bank Run? Canada’s Top Banks Mysteriously Go Offline

  1. Canada will wake up one morning soon and realize they just spent the night sleeping on the edge of a cliff.

    Let’s see… lumber, oil, aluminum, coal, cadmium, cobalt, copper, diamonds, gemstones, gold, graphite, indium, nickel, niobium, platinum group metals, salt, titanium concentrate, uranium, engines, autos and auto parts, aircraft and aircraft parts, potash and fertilizers, pharmaceuticals…

    They’ve got a lot of business to lose.

  2. Canadians should crash the banks by making a run on them. They need to fight the government fascists every way they can. Use the good old Cloward/Piven tactics on the government. Make Tru-DOH pay for his evil ways. If Tru-DOH survives this, Canadians deserve to live in a slave state. Also, start taking the names of every damn cop that did the dirty work for the Tru-DOH government and make life very, very difficult for them. They should all be homeless when this is over. Disrupt deliveries of everything into the capitol. Make their lives hard for supporting fascism.

  3. Why does iotw get so much spam lately?
    I remember YEARS of no spam here.

    Why do they even do it?
    No motherfucker, you did NOT MAKE $19723 last month online!
    If you had, you would NOT be telling others how to take your shtick.

  4. Loco,
    Why do you care? Just skip over them….. I’ll also say, the money in my mattress earns about the same level of devaluation as the money in my bank acct. I wouldn’t have a bank account but for laziness… I set up my monthly payments to go automatically so I don’t have to fukc with it. I make sure there’s enough to cover those. All others get cash or barter.

  5. “Anonymous, your in bad need of mental help, projection not helping.”

    “Anonymous, your in bad need of language help, illiteracy not helping.”

    Fixed it for ya! Well, some of it …

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Last sentence is the key sentence,in my opinion.
    It would seem having citizens lose faith in all of their traditional systems, would be part of the overall plan.
    Yes, look for “all Hell to break out”. Figuratively and literally.

  7. I believe the outage of the banks connectivity was to allow a network routing change. The government intel and law enforcement now have real time access to every online transaction to facilitate identifying anyone moving money in support of protests.

    Which is now a Crown Offense.

  8. “There is nothing wrong with your Computer Screen. Do not attempt to adjust the picture. We are controlling transmission. If we wish to make it louder, we will bring up the volume. If we wish to make it softer, we will tune it to a whisper. We will control the horizontal. We will control the vertical. We can roll the image, make it flutter. We can change the focus to a soft blur, or sharpen it to crystal clarity. For the next hour, sit quietly and we will control all that you see and hear. We repeat: There is nothing wrong with your Computer Screen. You are about to participate in a great adventure. You are about to experience the awe and mystery which reaches from the inner mind to… The Outer Limits of Trudeau’s Dictatorship.”

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  9. You are seeing the actions of the cabal in real time now with Canada, New Zealand, and Australia.

    This is a template for America also but our constitution and its amendments keep standing in the way.

    What’s happening in Canada is part of the Great Reset.

    Control access to money through a social credit system. Use emergency war powers to cover your tracks.

    Only our 2nd Admendment is truly remaining now and it’s the only reason we are not Canada.

  10. Have to admit, I didn’t see this coming, but I guess it was an inevitable outcome of Trudeau-Castro’s announcement to freeze or sieze bank accounts. Even people not involved in the protests would be alarmed by that and attempt to withdraw their money. Crash those fucking banks!

  11. The tyranny will continue until people stop conceding that followers of the the progressive movement are well intentioned, but mistaken and recognize that they are wicked and evil. Their recourse to good intentions is totally inconsistent with what their preposterous theories have wrought each and every time they have gained critical mass, seized power and been in a position to implement their agenda.

  12. I had a problem with TD (Toronto Dominion) Yesterday.
    I actually had to go to the branch.
    I was moving a chuck out of their Mutual Funds into a discount brokerage. The particular fund was charging +2% To “manage” the fund. (MER) It made very good results for 20 years but I can mimick the results easily.

    At the other place I will buy the top 8 or 10 holdings at a one time trade cost of about $100 bucks ( $9.99 /trade) plus about $50 in “Paper Account” Fee per year.

    I have other direct accounts with others that have done just as well over time.

    Now yesterdays Bullshit makes total sense.

    Thanks Again MJA/IOTW.

  13. Heatsync,

    I think our “types” knew that it was coming at some point in the future, but just not so fast, for such a ridiculous reason, and from Canada.
    Do a bit of reading on who Chrystia Freeland actually is & what her grandfather did for the old propaganda machines of the past.

    As I have mentioned Many times. Canada is a Test Bed for the Globalists. Similar to the USA, but smaller & easier to study outcomes. (Dominion voting & QR codes linked to ALL Your data)
    Officially, one of the first countries to go after Crypto Currencies, Freeze accounts, this was during a Peaceful Protest.

    What they are studying now is how to deal with Coppers & Military that were on the public’s side & how to avoid that.

  14. Will Canada’s avalanche of chaos go away if one juvenile delinquent goes away??

    We may soon see, and if we do, it should give an exhilirating boost to many the world over.
    Many little tyrants have shown their cards, let’s see who wins!

  15. Assuming that when people can’t fulfill their needs in a traditional manner, they’ll turn on each other.
    But I don’t think that’s going to work this time.
    |Everyone’s too pissed off at .gov.

  16. Look at the Canadians, then look at yourself in the mirror. We’re next – Biden is worse than Turdoe’, we know Biden is nuts but Turdoe’ knows what he’s doing.

    Have tangible assets, no debt, preps, taxes paid, lay low. This is happening right here – be prepared, have cash on hand. How Nazi Germany took over:

    1. Create a crisis,
    2. Demonize opponents
    3. Declare a State of Emergency
    4. Undermine elections
    5. Make the rule of Law Irrelevant
    6. Rule by Executive Order

    To be fair, George Bush had 290 EO, Obummer 257, and Trump with the least 219. Obummer’s was the most corrupt.

  17. “Envy was once considered to be one of the seven deadly sins before it became one of the most admired virtues under its new name, ‘social justice’.”
    ― Thomas Sowell, The Quest for Cosmic Justice

    Anyone with any sense of logic, who spends any time deconstructing and critically examining the rhetoric that emanates from anyone advancing the progressive agenda can quickly recognize that inculcating and/or feeding envy is what they use to recruit followers and that the resentment that naturally develops from this is what motivates them.

    I have been posting for a long time on this dynamic and it is a theory that can be examined and tested each time one of them comes to the microphone.

    What they have accomplished is to take o cardinal sin and turn it into a cardinal virtue in the feeble minds of their useful idiot followers. What these numbskulls have achieved is to abandon The Good and dedicate their lives to pleasing the Prince of Darkness. They did this of their own free will and in doing so have surrendered their birthright as a child of God to goin forces with the enemy of The Good.

    To seek justification, which is a hallmark of the type, they will at some juncture point to having been bamboozled by The Great Deceiver. This simply does not wash in my book. They joined Satan of their own free will and with a sense of entitlement only an individual who believes themselves to have been unjustly denied including prerogatives that belong to He who created them in the first place rightfully posses.

  18. @Cisco Kid February 19, 2022 at 7:48 am

    > This is a template for America also but our constitution and its amendments keep standing in the way.

    Two centuries of “our” Constitution? Imposed on us, by those who rule us. Doing Constitutional things. According to the Constitutional way.

    Is. WHY. We. Are. HERE!

    It’s not that hard! Even Joe Biden gets it!

    This is The Occupied United States. The only thing “standing in the way” is Americans. Always has been. That is why they must be ended!

    Better to end them biologically. “Ooh, look a land of foreigners! Surrounding Americans. Let’s see how this turns out?” That only took 50 years.

    Easier to end them spiritually. By convincing them that “‘Tis better to kill ourselves, for our foreign rulers. Than give the foreign rules” (“our” Constitution) “the bad feelz.”

    Bolsheviks are here to do you harm. Because rules heroes will kill you for stopping them.

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