Banned journalists are the best journalists, don’t you think? – IOTW Report

Banned journalists are the best journalists, don’t you think?

Emerald Robinson:

The days of Facebook and Twitter ruling the earth are numbered. As most people know, Facebook is basically a preserve for senior citizens to post their cat pictures. The younger generations shun it and prefer TikTok or Instagram. Much like broadcast cable, Facebook’s best days are behind it now.

The Great Decline of the first-generation social media monooplies has begun.

The same thing is happening to Twitter — a platform that’s now being run by an Indian immigrant who can barely speak English, and who dislikes the idea of free speech in his adopted country. It might be too late to deport Parag Agrawal, but it’s never too late to abandon any company foolish enough to employ people like Parag Agrawal.

That’s exactly what people are doing. Facebook’s user growth just dropped for the first time in 18 years — a surprising development that wiped 20% off the stock value of its parent company Meta instantly.

Meanwhile, Twitter just banned The Babylon Bee — a humor site. It’s still banning anti-vaccine tweets as if we’re all still living in early 2021. It’s increasingly hostile to any accurate information — and increasingly friendly to outright lies and misinformation. more

9 Comments on Banned journalists are the best journalists, don’t you think?

  1. Agrawal is a typical corporate fascist slimebag. His most infamous sentiment is the he fully supports free speech, but believes in using his power to control what can be heard. That’s like saying you support people’s rights to manufacture products but plan to use market control power to ensure many of those people can’t sell their goods anywhere. Sound familiar? The billionaire class hates capitalism. What they want is corporate fascism masked by their non-stop virtue signalling bullshit.

  2. Huh.
    I dropped off Fakebook and Twitter several years ago. They’re slime. They are of zero use. I was once urged to join and participate.

    I did. I quickly realized that those platforms were junk.

  3. I hate to be surly, but I’ve floated the idea of having all the ads removed if we could get a successful crowdfunding campaign going. I don’t want any individual to feel the pinch. Analytics shows we have over 1000 people who show up each and every day (more people do not show up every day.) If I told you what our last request garnered you understand why you’re looking at ugly toes.
    We are not looking to get rich, we are looking to survive. You think I like ads? If 1/3rd of the people who show up every day pledged 10 dollars a month we would have no ads. The thing that pains me is that if I post this idea, and we fall short, the people who stepped up still see ads. That’s not fair.
    So I am stuck.


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