Bannon: Hillary Clinton ‘Is Not That Bright’ [VIDEO] – IOTW Report

Bannon: Hillary Clinton ‘Is Not That Bright’ [VIDEO]


Hillary Clinton is “not very bright” and fails to realize what issues are important to the American public, says former White House strategist Steve Bannon.

In an unaired portion of an interview on “60 Minutes,” Bannon launched into a diatribe against the former Democratic presidential candidate and a speech she gave on the campaign trail last year attempting to tie the “alt-right,” Breitbart News, and white supremacists to the Trump campaign.

Bannon, who served as chairman of Breitbart News at the time of the April 25, 2016 speech, said Clinton’s remarks “landed flat.”

“Hillary Clinton’s not very bright. Everybody says she’s so smart, so much smarter than Donald Trump,” Bannon said in the interview. “She doesn’t really have a grasp, she doesn’t have a grasp on what’s important and what’s not, and that’s what’s essential in a leader.”  Watch

22 Comments on Bannon: Hillary Clinton ‘Is Not That Bright’ [VIDEO]

  1. Hollywood Leigh Scott writes:

    In addition to monkeying with the color correction, CBS used a deceptive editing trick that we call the “L cut” to make it look like Charlie Rose was actively debating and cutting off Bannon.

    And L-cut is when you overlap the picture of one person with the audio of the other. You remove any real pause or break that happened and make the entire thing seem more active.

    There are a couple of dead give aways. One, you will note that Bannon is rarely talking over Charlie. Charlie seems to cut him off and Bannon just takes it. Yet, it’s very clear that Bannon is cutting off Charlie because you can still hear Charlie talking in Bannon’s microphone. The quality of Charlie’s audio changes slightly because Bannon is steamrolling over his bogus, Left wing talking points.

    A media professional who works with Charlie Rose said this to me this AM:

    “CBS used L-Cuts to make Charlie look in-charge of the interview, rather than drool into his oatmeal.”

    Folks on the Right need to start demanding these interviews be live or not at all…

  2. @Mr. Pinko: The color was really, REALLY ‘monkeyed’ with (haven’t heard that term in yrs–happy memories!)!

    Even digital editing must require a vectorscope of a sort, so you know the correct colors are going out for broadcast.

    But…colors can be ‘tweaked’. In this case, the red was taken off the proper spot, thus enhancing the saturation. All of Bannon was treated this way–I haven’t seen the two-shot.

    Not only does Bannon look ‘florid’, but so do the drapes, the paint and even the daylight! Most will never notice, but for those of us who do, it gives us one more nail for the MSM COFFINS!!!

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