Bannon on 60 Minutes: Mitch McConnell Demanded No More ‘Drain the Swamp’ Talk – IOTW Report

Bannon on 60 Minutes: Mitch McConnell Demanded No More ‘Drain the Swamp’ Talk

Well, now we have even more proof that Mitch McConnell is a traitor…

During an interview with 60 Minutes, Steve Bannon revealed that McConnell demanded no more “drain the swamp” talk in order to throw cold water on the 2016 election.

 Watch the clip.

9 Comments on Bannon on 60 Minutes: Mitch McConnell Demanded No More ‘Drain the Swamp’ Talk

  1. McConnell cares nothing about the republic or its citizens. His and Ryan’s single minded focus is to guide legislation in the direction demanded by the Chamber of Commerce. They are bought and paid for prostitutes. They’re clung like a limpet to policies blocking any positive change. They must go or no change is possible.

  2. Trump’s being dragged down into the swamp.
    The quicksand is too deep and the swamp creatures are too fierce.

    Obola was the death-knell of the Republic and now, a man supported by a majority of Americans, can change NOTHING.

    Raise the Debt Ceiling? Cut the shit and quit calling it a “ceiling.”
    Stop the illegal-alien-invaders? DACA, anyone? Wall, anyone?
    Tax Reform? Repeal the 16th, anyone?
    Socialized Medicine? Repeal ObolaCare, anyone? Replace? With what, exactly?

    Same old, same old. Bullshit, Moreshit, and Horseshit.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Maybe I was wrong about Bannon leaving the White House. If he is serious about going to war against the swamp dwellers, and he seems serious then I endorse it. I hope he stays safe, plenty of bad guys out there.

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