Bannon Triggers Swamp – IOTW Report

Bannon Triggers Swamp

Big Government: Establishment Republicans and operatives are panicking over recent moves by Breitbart News Executive Chairman and former White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon — who is lining up a series of primary challenges in 2018 to lawmakers he sees as hurting President Trump’s agenda.

“Establishment Republicans are getting squeezed to death from within,” Axios reported Wednesday. “In what should be nirvana — all-party control of Washington — they instead are jammed daily between a president who routinely ridicules them for ineptitude — and Steve Bannon, who’s recruiting hardliners to extinguish their very existence.”

The piece cites panicked officials and strategists, including one former Trump White House official who says that Bannon could “wreak havoc” if he is even halfway successful in his 2018 ambitions.  read more

15 Comments on Bannon Triggers Swamp

  1. The only reason that the GOP establishment types would be scared is if they’ve finally realized it’s not simply Trump but the massive change in the voters that Trump represents. It’s no longer business as usual in DC and Bannon could pick half a dozen GOP squish Senators to primary and also find decent conservative candidates to run against the Democrats and change the landscape of DC for decades.

  2. “It’s Bannon who could wind up nullifying Trump’s presidency.”

    Ha, ha, Ryan and McCONnell are doing a bang up job without Bannon.

    If successful, Bannon will further solidify Trumps agenda and we’ll finally see the Legislative process move forward and not be obstructed by progressive republicans who promise the moon and deliver nothing by lies.

  3. The rino’s have not yet grasped the simple concept of ” lead, follow or get the hell outta the way”. Of course they are worried, they would be stupid if they weren’t. Rino’s have two options, get on the Trump train or get on the highway.
    Attempting to maintain the status quo is not acceptable to the electorate anymore.

  4. I’m happy to see Bannon going after the swamp but don’t know what he’s thinking with some of his other headlines. The one flashing now is “Trump Keeps Iran Deal” which is an overly simplistic and deliberately misleading summation of a complex situation.

    The Conservative Treehouse does a far better job of explaining the intricacies of having to deal with the swamp and legal technicalities.

    I guess I’ll have to wait for the book to understand how Bannon is helping Trump when he takes this approach.

  5. Page O Turner, I have a couple of lefty buddies who read Breitbart avidly now that Trump is President. They started out reading Breitbart during the election just to see how evil the site was. They see headlines like that now as evidence of evenhandedness and credibility, and they are more willing to consider the more conservative, partisan stuff. Ban on knew what he as talking about when he said he could help PDT better by leaving the WH. A little distance allows for better maneuvering and messaging.

  6. TO Page O Turner and Third Twin
    I look at it the other way around: Breitbart is “hammering” trump to make him appear more “moderate”.

    WE have had this ploy thrown at us for years by Leftists who cried how Obama was betraying them, for the sole purpose of making Obama appear more palatable to the middle.

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