Barack who? Iowa propelled Obama to the White House — now, no one speaks his name – IOTW Report

Barack who? Iowa propelled Obama to the White House — now, no one speaks his name


IOWA CITY, Iowa — Iowa was the state that made Barack Obama. He pushed Hillary Clinton into third place in the 2008 Iowa Democratic caucuses and went on to win the swing state in the general election that year and again when he was reelected in 2012.

It was in Iowa that Oprah Winfrey anointed Obama as “the One” and his victories in the predominantly white rural state deep in “flyover” country seemed to usher in a new era not just for the Democratic Party but also for the United States, which for the first time elected a black man to the White House.

Now, Obama’s name is an afterthought. In three events in Iowa this weekend, the party’s 2020 presidential front-runner Sen. Bernie Sanders, 77, did not mention him a single time. At the other end of the generational spectrum, Beto O’Rourke, 46, did not name-check Obama either. Both candidates espoused policies far to the left of Obama, who when he was elected was viewed as in the party’s progressive wing.

The only candidate, though he has yet to declare, who is fond of mentioning Obama is Joe Biden, a self-described “Obama-Biden Democrat.” But as Obama’s Vice President Biden has little choice, and his association with the past, and his many years in Washington, could well turn out to be his downfall.

At Sanders rallies in Iowa last weekend, the Obama years were never glossed over and his signature domestic achievement, the Obamacare health reform, dismissed as a compromise and a failure.  read more

20 Comments on Barack who? Iowa propelled Obama to the White House — now, no one speaks his name

  1. He’s moved on anyway. He’s a citizen of the world now, traversing the globe in attempts to undermine President Trump’s foreign policy and trade deals.

  2. Biden might ride obama’s “centrist” coattails against the FAR leftists he’ll be running against.
    THIS OBAMA SUCK………….literally
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  3. Just a bad case of Norman Clayture…
    He’s better known as:
    The Queef in Chief
    The Lyin’ Hawaiian
    The Feckless Fruitloop
    The Kenyan Kremepuff
    The Dog-Eating Benghazi Bullshitter
    The Jug-Eared Marxist Muzlim Mallard
    And my personal favorite: Jeramiah Wright´s God-Damn-America-hating, maladroit, plastic banana republic Manchurian Doorknob.

  4. carter- I just came to say something about that. And yeah, he was screwing with Israel’s election.
    Just like he did with Trump’s win, here.
    Keep a look-out for the upcoming posts about that.
    Whistleblowers. Heh.

  5. No one needs to mention Barry’s name. Barry mentions himself as often as possible. He has it covered, He recently broke his own previous record for self praise thereby leaving the previous record in a far distant second place. But no worries I’m confident he’ll soon set a new record high. Iowans earned their state shame, have hopefully learned from their misstake, are anxious they be forgiven, and allowed to press on.

  6. MeThinks Barry Soetoro would like to see
    The Trump hate and resist campaign tone down,

    Because he and Hillary’s side is not winning

    And the longer this drags on, the more the call for
    investigation of he and Hill regarding the fraud
    inducing the Russia hoax probe.

    Imposter Barry Soetoro is not calling for civility
    because things have gotten out of hand,

    He wants the investigation to end before


  7. You fuckers voted for him. And if you didn’t do it twice, you voted for Hillary. You subjected us to him, and tried to subject us to worse.

    Slowly, Trump is fixing it though. And you are benefiting from it whether or not you will admit it. You certainly don’t deserve it.

    Allowing people like you to have a say in how our country is run makes a strong case for Poll tests.

    You bring nothing valuable to society and now want to just blow off Obama.

    You caused it. Think about that at some point, if you can get your socialist brains to function.

  8. I have no problem calling Obutthole by his obvious name; Traitorous cocksucker with deep ties to muslim goat humpers, hell bent on destroying America.

    …..I’m told he prefers a different title.

    So I reconstructed my thoughts; Perhaps he should be addressed as;

    The half nigger/half white Soros puppet, so articulate, (with a teleprompter), to sublimely fool half the residents, (mostly just plain stupid), of the country to believe his total BULLSHIT.

  9. Barry’s first choices for his Attorney General was off a list.
    It said;
    Holder, Eric
    Barry said, He’s the one want that I want!
    Travolta, John was dis-heartened.


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