Barbara Bush-Bashing Professor Randa Jarrar Praised Plane Hijackers, Advocated Throwing Grenades In Homes – IOTW Report

Barbara Bush-Bashing Professor Randa Jarrar Praised Plane Hijackers, Advocated Throwing Grenades In Homes

Daily Caller:  Fresno State professor Randa Jarrar made headlines last week for a series of tweets she made after Barbara Bush died that bashed the former first lady as a racist.

Newly uncovered video seems to show her promoting political violence and praising airplane hijackers.

The Fresno Bee reports that in one video, she says, “The other side is, like, doing some stupid s—. I’m gonna do some stupid s—. I’m tired of, like, being the bigger person — literally am usually — but, like, I’m also just tired of the left being, like, f—ing stupid and being like, ‘No we have to like be gentle’… no, don’t be f—— gentle.”

She continues, “Resistance fighters in the 60s and 70s, they didn’t kill anyone, but they scared the shit out of people. You know, they would hijack a plane and be like, ‘we’re not gonna hurt anyone on this plane, but we are gonna fucking hijack this plane.’” MORE


33 Comments on Barbara Bush-Bashing Professor Randa Jarrar Praised Plane Hijackers, Advocated Throwing Grenades In Homes

  1. She sounds all militant combative and shit. Some one should start after her with a baseball bat. She would die from the ensuing fire caused by her inner thighs rubbing together. Nothing tougher to put out than a fat fire.

  2. shes just the bearded fat lady in the circus side show, if she doesn’t grow the beard back and soon, they’re gonna fire her out of a canon with a clown because the lil kiddies are gonna cry that they miss the bearded fat lady show and need more deep fried oreos and warm crayons in order to nap with their therapy dogs. makes perfect sense here in cuckAfornia, land of the 24/7/365 dumpster fire news orgs.

  3. Aren’t all the vile things she has posted on FB, Twitter etc. exactly the same kinds of things mass shooters said before they went on their shooting sprees? Not only should she lose her job (that should be a given), but why hasn’t she been dragged down to HQ, questioned, and either imprisoned or committed? Or do we need to wait for her to “do something stupid”?

  4. Like, I’m sure her f—ing, like, you know, students really get their, like monies worth being f—ing taught English by, like, this genius of the, like, f—ing English language.

  5. Using the F-word to feel “empowered” may have been true back in the 1960’s. It’s so overused now, it’s lost its impact.

    Every fat lesbian uses the word to feel momentarily better about their prospects in this world.

  6. It must be my warped sense of humor but that was one of the funniest routines ever done. I can still buckle over laughing watching it and I lost count how many times I have.

  7. That thing like should close its like fucking like legs like she’s letting the flies like out!

    Guys, I’d bet you could smell this POS 1/2 mile out with an opposing wind!

  8. Typical liberal. I’m sure she has the CO-EXIST sticker on her beater Subaru bumper, crooked and she drives around feeling smug that she is the tolerant one.

  9. Tony R- Yup. I’m sure the FBI is right on top of it. A report has been written up and tucked carefully underneath a Garfield calendar, a flyer for gym membership and a Chinese take-out menu.

  10. Let’s see. Barely articulate, oozing entitled hostility, ahistorical and offering nothing that would cause me to attend one of her classes.

    She teaches English. People in CA are paying for this, as are the parents unaware or checked out. Lets not forget about the fedgov handouts. I like how the most recent endowments list (US & CN) is buried in the wayback machine. Fresno comes in at 378th. Something to file away when some uni or its proxy comes a-begging for a third restroom for people who can’t figure out what sex they are, but want to be let loose on the streets.


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