Barbara Bush campaigns for Jeb! – IOTW Report

Barbara Bush campaigns for Jeb!

‘I think he’ll be a great President’

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Former first lady Barbara Bush is urging voters in both a new video and in a hand-written letter to vote for her second-eldest son, making her first public appearance on behalf of his campaign.   See More

24 Comments on Barbara Bush campaigns for Jeb!

  1. Good Lord, when Boosch Sr. was resident, I was 20-ish. Not as political as today, but I remember asking my dad who the old hag was.

    His response?

    His mother.

    Still laughing, 26 years later.

  2. don’t fool yourselves people…. Babs is dead. George Sr. stuffed her & is manipulating her through his hand up her ass & rods on her limbs, just like a muppet
    …..sick I tell you, absolutely sick

  3. My poor Mother, rest her soul, called me an eegit so many times I believed her for years. Then I got over it. Babs has this Jeb fella spoiled. Go back to sleep Mrs. Bush. You were a stately First Lady. For the sake of history don’t screw it up.

  4. In 1976, George H.W. Bush was Director of CIA. I worked in the deepest level of Strategic Air Command Headquarters, known as building 500, in Omaha. From time to time, we’d have to spend hours sanitizing the vault where we performed our job interpreting satellite imagery. We’d have to lock away all Top Secret materials so that the occasional dignitary could get a tour of the spot where the Airman who discovered the nuclear missiles in Cuba was sitting when he found them. There is a plaque embedded in the floor on that spot. As the tour for Mr. Bush began we simply stood near our work areas and waited for it to be over. My buddy didn’t know who Bush was, but being from Texas, I knew, so I told him who he was. When he asked who the old gray headed woman was with him, I said it must be his mother as we were told Mrs. Bush was with him. I only learned later it was his wife, Barbara. He looked pretty young and I couldn’t believe his wife would have been gray headed but she was. We hated those tours! Kings, Queens, presidents and other “special people” came through from time to time and we always had to sanitize the area so they could enter the vault.

  5. Did some advance work for Barbara Bush when she hit the political circuit in Illinois for son,George’s presidential run. The MC, who was a congressional Candidate was speaking well beyond his allotted time frame. Couldn’t get him to shut up. So I slotted Barbara into a 5 minute exclusive TV interview without her media staff person’s knowledge.
    Barbara, unlike any kindly grandmother type I have ever seen, came unglued and ate me up. She did the interview. Afterwards she was sharp tongued toward me and sternly admonished me for taking the initiative. It was like I had bitch slapped one of her sons.

    Now I get to bitch slap JEB for good reason: He’s weak and unprepared, inept, and a Progressive establishment Rino ….. and he ain’t nothin’ like his Momma.

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