Barbie’s No Barbie – IOTW Report

Barbie’s No Barbie


Barbie Celebrates Women Entrepreneurs


With 150 jobs under her belt, Barbie recently created a LinkedIn page where you can view her resume.
Taking on the personality of ‘Entrepreneur Barbie’, she hopes to encourage young girls to “dream big” with her profile.

Barbie wrote in a posting, “My new business is ‘Dream Incubator’ where I act as a consultant, helping girls around the world play out their imagination, try on different careers, and explore the world around them. Our company tagline is ‘If you can dream it, you can be it!’”

The empowerment-focused page also has a shout-out to women entrepreneurs and tips for business inspiration.

Check out Barbie’s profile here.


I thought this was cool as there is a section that tells girls/kids about business and what it is to be an entrepreneur. There is no shouting about birth control and the glory of government. No feverish demands for free stuff that taxpayers can provide because you think that you are entitled to it. The colors are soft and feminine- unlike the scary poster “art” from Sandra Fluke yesterday. There’s no indication of or finger pointing to Republican’s WarOnWomen.  There are ways to “empower” women and girls without being a part of the brutish screeching collective. It’s a positive message to girls that you don’t hear much of in the shouting social media of fancy do nothing hashtags and uninformed impulse commentary on Facebook.

12 Comments on Barbie’s No Barbie

  1. Why does Barbie have to have a career to be empowered? Any info on that site about being a caring mother? Just because the agenda is soft peddled with girlish colors doesn’t mean the agend isn’t there.

  2. (To BE made.) You could have Hockey Mom Sarah, Governor Sarah, Mama Bear Sarah, Hunting Sarah, Fishing Sarah . . .

    Just send me a few thousand bucks for the idea.

  3. I’m waiting for a friend called Valarie who comes with scissors, the Constitution and a whip and a friend called Moo who should also come with a whip, cupcakes, and a large pubic bulge.

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