BARCELONA TERRORIST Younes Abouyaaquob Shot Dead By Police – IOTW Report

BARCELONA TERRORIST Younes Abouyaaquob Shot Dead By Police


Police officers have confirmed they have shot and killed the suspected driver of the Barcelona terrorist attack, Younes Abouyaaqoub.

RT reports police confirmed that a bomb disposal unit used a robot to inspect what they thought was an explosive belt and the body of Abouyaaqoub at the scene.

Local reports say Abouyaaqoub was shot while approaching a police vehicle. The reports also claim police helicopters are searching the surrounding area for a suspected accomplice.


11 Comments on BARCELONA TERRORIST Younes Abouyaaquob Shot Dead By Police

  1. He should have been taken alive and waterboarded. But what the hell, maybe the Spanish libs don’t want the people to know too much.
    Were I in charge, my order would be to take that mudderfoker alive no matter what it takes. But that’s just me.

  2. What’s with these ISIS disciples lately? Don’t they know they’re supposed to commit suicide with their terrorist acts? How else will they ever get their 72 virgin (goats)?

  3. I guess they couldn’t find the obligatory high school graduation photo of this nimrod–Honest Abdul’s School for Goat Husbandry.
    He doesn’t get his 72 virgins, but he gets a night with Helen Thomas.

  4. An unarmed public is at the mercy of terrorists, and the police looking for terrorists.

    It’s too bad. The public should have been able to gun this dude down by themselves, and just call the garbage truck for pick up.

  5. Extirpates. I agree with you. But just once I’d like to see one of these skells captured and interrogated. In a nice humane way, of course, maybe even with family present. Then ship the whole lot of them to a gulag and have them tend pigs for the rest of their miserable lives.

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