Baristas in skimpy bikinis win court case, can serve coffee in uniforms city officials called lewd – IOTW Report

Baristas in skimpy bikinis win court case, can serve coffee in uniforms city officials called lewd

BPR: After a five year legal battle, a city ordinance deemed to “target” bikini-clad baristas outside Seattle was ruled unconstitutional in U.S. District Court as the judge found “It is difficult to imagine how this Ordinance would be equally applied to men…”

Jovanna Edge is the owner of XO Espresso and similar coffee stands in Everett, Washinton, offering their clientele beverages served up by scantily clad baristas. Since 2017, Edge has been in dispute with the city over ordinances on dress code and lewd conduct that U.S. District Court Judge Ricardo S. Martinez found were “passed in part to have an adverse impact” on her business and those like it.

In a 19-page ruling, Martinez wrote, “There is evidence in the record that the bikini barista profession, clearly a target of the Ordinance, is entirely or almost entirely female. It is difficult to imagine how this Ordinance would be equally applied to men and women in practice. It appears designed to ban not just ‘pasties and g-strings’ or bikinis, but a wide range of women’s clothing.” more

20 Comments on Baristas in skimpy bikinis win court case, can serve coffee in uniforms city officials called lewd

  1. I remember City of Santa Monica voting to ban Hooters from opening a restaurant – less than 1/4 mile from the beach, which fills every summer with women wearing far less. They eventually reversed, although it shut down a few years ago after a couple of decades. These people are prude when they want to be, but will flip their morals on a dime if it’s for the ‘right’ reason.

  2. ^^^^^
    “These people are prude when they want to be, but will flip their morals on a dime if it’s for the ‘right’ reason.”

    Bingo! Betcha when the LBGTQRSTUVEIEIO/GLAD child rapists come knocking on the library door peddling crossdressing transvestite drag queen sewage the hypocrites will forget all about “lewd”. Just as Mr. Left Coast Dan said.

  3. I don’t patronize topless coffee joints just because, I don’t need to look at some younger woman’s boobs in order to buy coffee. I’m not a prude, it’s just something that’s offensive to me. Sex may sell but not to me and I don’t drink much coffee anyway except with breakfast at a local diner occasionally.

  4. True Story: I had to have the A/C on my car checked and the only garage available for that work is on Aurora Avenue, just a few blocks north of Aurora and 130th, where all the street walkers congregate and display their wares. It’s a vile area, day and night, and the most local Lowe’s and Home Depot are smack right in the middle of it all. There are also a number of old, run-down motor inns dotting the Old 99 (Aurora Ave.), so apparently it makes sense from an operational standpoint.

    Anyway. Had to take my car in early. It was morning and I felt like another cup of coffee, but the garage only had regular brewing away on their pot. I asked the fellow if there was a nearby place to get a cup of decaf. He pointed outside his place to a kiosk just across his parking lot, so I walked over to it. I wasn’t paying any attention to the sign on the place and walked right up to the window opposite the drive through. Huge window on the side of the kiosk. Standing opposite me, inside the kiosk, was a woman, with her completely naked butt facing me. I backed away quickly and went back over to the garage. I had no idea! It was really quite shocking. I’m not a prude, but a good society must have some rules about public decency. And I would never buy anything consumable from anyone who is handling food/beverages while naked. Ewww.

  5. Now I can’t wait until lawyers and defendants (of the known 56 persuasions) show up in court for trial wearing itty witty tiny weeny yellow polka dot bikini’s! Precedent, put that in your brief and smoke it Judge!

  6. Back in the mid 70’s I drank bottomless coffee with some friends once at a Sambo’s after a Tuesday night Bible study at our church. You could drink all the coffee you wanted back then for a quarter with bottomless refills, I drank 20 cups of coffee that night and, boy did I pay for it, I was up all night with the caffeine jitters and peeing constantly, I never did that again. Maybe that’s why I don’t drink coffee very often anymore.

  7. Women in bikinis is just plain sick!

    Now, guys in G-Stings … hubba hubba … that’s more like it!

    (or otherwise naked guys in chaps … wearing cowboy boots …)

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