Barky Gives the President-Elect His Valuable Advice – IOTW Report

Barky Gives the President-Elect His Valuable Advice


Diogenes’ Middle Finger: Before grabbing the Moose, moms Robinson and the kids to fly away for their final lavish taxpayer funded vacation as first family, Barky took time off from trying to delegitimize Trump’s presidency to sit down for an interview with National Public Radio. He touched on a lot of subjects like Russian hacking and “fake news” but those complaints are old news. His biggest new revelation is that he doesn’t want Trump running the country the same way he did. If there were an award for lack of self-awareness, not only would Obama win it this year, he’d be inducted into the hall of fame.

Mr. “Pen and Phone” actually warned President-elect Donald Trump to not overuse his power by issuing too many executive orders. For those of you trying to block the memory of the past 8 years, Obama ran most of his presidency bypassing Congress and legislating from the White House with executive action.  more

17 Comments on Barky Gives the President-Elect His Valuable Advice

  1. Self Delusion-Hearing The Roar Of Your 675 HP, Turbo Charged Engine And Smelling The Burning Rubber And Gas Fumes Doesn’t Mean You’re At The Indy 500-It Means You Better Stop Making Va-Room Sounds With Your Matchbox Car

  2. He advises Trump not issue too many Executive Orders as the Bastard Asswipe makes dozens in his last days despite the election totally rebuking his sorry ass!

    All the tools of disposing waste, ie trash compactors, paper shredders, garbage disposals, incinerators, composters, must be utilized 24/7 for the foreseeable future until every trace of this coprophagic, blaspheming, fornicating, drug-addled, sociopathic DOLT and his “legacy” are wiped off the planet.

    “Hey Barky, over here, near the edge of the volcano, come here and look!! You can see the perfect spot to site your Library. No, come closer to the very precipice so you can see it.”

  3. 1) use Exec Orders to overturn the Obama Exec Orders Trump disagrees with. 2) Use the 51 vote majority in the Senate to confirm Trump’s appointments (thanks Harry!) 3) if the Media complains just point out you’re using the same rules Obama and Harry Reid used.

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