Barr is right, spying on Trump campaign did occur – IOTW Report

Barr is right, spying on Trump campaign did occur

WFB: Democrats and some in the media expressed shock and outrage when Attorney General William Barr said Wednesday that “spying did occur” on the Trump campaign during the 2016 election.

Barr “must retract his statement immediately or produce specific evidence to back it up,” Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said. “Perpetuating conspiracy theories is beneath the office of the attorney general.”

Barr has gone “off the rails,” said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

“The attorney general must retract his unfounded, irresponsible claim,” said Democratic Sen. Richard Blumenthal.

Cable news commentators called Barr’s statement “stunning” and appeared baffled that the attorney general would make such a claim “without evidence.”

The baffling thing was why they were baffled. Barr’s statement was accurate and supported by publicly known facts.

First, what Barr said. “I think spying did occur,” he told the Senate Appropriations Committee. “But the question is whether it was adequately predicated. And I’m not suggesting it was not adequately predicated. But I need to explore that.”

That is entirely accurate. It is a fact that in October 2016 the FBI wiretapped Carter Page, who had earlier been a short-term foreign policy adviser to the Trump campaign. The bureau’s application to a secret court for that wiretapping is public. It is heavily redacted but is clearly focused on Page and “the Russian government’s attempt to influence the 2016 U.S. presidential election.” Page was wiretapped because of his connection with the Trump campaign.  more here


h/t Mystery.

22 Comments on Barr is right, spying on Trump campaign did occur

  1. It took 2 years and 2+ months to finally get HERE. I’m trying to imagine where we’ll be in November, 2020.

    Did those bastards REALLY think they were going to get away with it? I think we’re going to puke when we finally learn the full list of “those” names.

  2. This is how we knew that the whole “Russian Collusion” thing was bullshit right from the gitgo. Had it been real you KNOW damn well they would have used it as an October Surprise! They hatched this plan the day after the sick, old Bitch lost by simply turning the tables and accusing Trump of doing exactly what they did in a typical RAT projection move!

  3. “The attorney general must retract his unfounded, irresponsible claim,”

    A rather different standard than was applied to the Russian collusion claim.

    But the Leftists won’t see it that way, now will they?

  4. Many people have stated it already, but as strange as things have gotten, was Assange grabbed to help in the attack on ObamaInc coming up? And quit calling Manning, Chelsea. It’s Bradley.

  5. Five Eyes – Look it up.

    This is ONE of the many reason disclosing the cabal will be complicated (spying done by WWII allies) by I believe POTUS is the one ‘chosen’ to expose…only because THEY FUKCED with him.

    Assange getting pinched?? Timing is JUST about everything in life…he might be a canary of sorts??

    Not quite sure…

  6. Gen Glover – and they didn’t just fuck with HIM, they fucked with the very integrity of OUR country and the Office of THE President and every law-abiding citizen who believes in a the rule of law in a Constitutional Republic.

    On the scale of seriousness, I submit the scale is broken. These are capital offenses against the United States.

  7. If we consider that there is not enough rope in all of Christendom to accommodate these fools, perhaps we should draw lots for the firing squads and exercise that second amendment right which the founding fathers enumerated in the constitution for us. It is certainly why the founding fathers did so!

  8. “Spying”!? How DARE you!? That’s, that’s like misgendering the tranny in the stall next to your daughter! What type of person would do such a thing!?

  9. Schumer and Pelosi are a hoot. For two years with zero evidence they have vigorously pushed the Trump conspiracy story.

    And now whine with a straight face about, Perpetuating conspiracy theories being beneath the office of the attorney general.” When evidence of spying and more on Trump has been sending out dark smoke during the same two years.

    Ah, you losers are protesting far too much.


    “Democrats must retract this statement immediately or produce specific evidence to back it up. Perpetuating conspiracy theories is beneath a political party in the United States of America.”

  11. now I call that scraping the bottom of the barrel asking this cretin for an honest opinion, right ?

    want an honest answer just ask “stolen valor” Blumenthal”!

    “The attorney general must retract his unfounded, irresponsible claim,” said Democratic Sen. Richard Blumenthal.

    is he talking about barr of his own claim to Vietnam fame ?

    the fact a that a news organization would ask this asshole anything shows just how low the news has slunk.
    we didn’t all forget about blumenthals stolen valor lying.


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