Barr-ometer Falling – IOTW Report

Barr-ometer Falling

AG: Former U.S. Attorney General William Barr on May 5 showed up in Cleveland, Ohio, where he told reporters, “It is a horror show, you know. If you believe in his policies, what he’s advertising is his policies, he’s the last person who could actually execute them and achieve them.” 

The “horror show” he’s talking about has nothing to do with current White House occupant Joe Biden. The horror show is what Barr believes will happen if Donald Trump is reelected president. 

“He does not have the discipline. He does not have the ability for strategic thinking and linear thinking or setting priorities or how to get things done in the system,” Barr told reporters. “And so, you may want his policies. But Trump will not deliver Trump policies. He will deliver chaos, and, if anything, lead to a backlash that will set his policies much further back than they otherwise would be” (emphasis added). 

That’s quite the performance from the former attorney general for President Donald Trump and George H. W. Bush. Barr seems to have missed a few horrors happening now. Despite his obvious mental and physical decline, Joe Biden seems fully capable of delivering Bidenesque policies. For example, Biden says the border situation will be “chaotic for a while,” but there’s more to it. 

Barr cannot be ignorant of the supply-chain problems, soaring crime and inflation, a weak economy, and fathomless incompetence from government officials such as Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg. On the other hand, Barr knows that Trump slowed illegal border crossings, built a strong economy, boosted energy independence, promoted Middle East peace through the Abraham Accords, and reduced the tax and regulatory burden on the people. 

Whatever one thinks of these policies, there is no question Trump delivered them. Now the former attorney general prophecies that “Trump will not deliver Trump policies” and does not even have the discipline to do so. For Barr, this kind of partisan salvo is hardly out of character. 

Barr conducted no investigation or audit of the 2020 election, yet he claimed there was not enough fraud to affect the outcome. Barr backs the Democrats’ January 6 show trial and supported the FBI raid on Trump’s residence. As he told reporters, FBI Director Christopher Wray and the people around him are not the types to “throw the FBI’s weight around to interfere in the political process.” 

As Barr knows, they are the type to throw their weight around, and they do interfere. Recall that the FBI mounted covert operations “Mid-Year Exam” and “Crossfire Hurricane” against candidate and President Trump. 

In his recent book, One Damn Thing After Another: Memoirs of an Attorney General, Barr gives glowing reviews to friends Robert Mueller, another former director of the FBI, and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who appointed Mueller to investigate Trump.  MORE

Barr. Super-predators, privatizing prisons and disarming citizens.

William Barr – Bill Clinton 5,242.7 km, $100 MIL & DOPE

36 Comments on Barr-ometer Falling

  1. ” …how to get things done in the system,” Barr told reporters.”

    “The System” is an extra-constitutional creation by the “elites” and is the root of the problems besetting us, Billy.

  2. At this point, my personal political philosophy is to not engage in whether or not Bill Barr is a hero or a heel; he is a member of the swamp and I think all swamp members must be turned out.

  3. Fuck this asshole. He investigated and found no election fraud in 2020? Please nigga.

    He says DJT does not have the ability for strategic thinking and linear thinking or setting priorities…really? Trump build/owns and manages world class resort all over the globe. Did he get lucky 100x?

    He says President Trump doesn’t know how to get things done in the system…hmmm, no new wars, energy independence, secure southern border, billions in tariffs on Chinese imports, NAFTA axed and replaced with USMCA, NATO members finally paying their share, historic Middle East peace agreements and the embassy moved to Jerusalem, no missiles over Japan…

    Barr is the scum asshole that organized a state AG group to award the sniper that killed Randy Weaver’s wife and child.

    I’ll tell you one thing these swamp scum are deathly afraid of is that DJT has learned something and will not be appointing a POS like Barr to AG.

  4. ‘not the type to throw their weight around’
    that’s just what he is doing
    probably thinks he’s like a tiktok influencer
    he’s just like the 50+ signers for the laptop letter- lying when called upon
    he probably sleeps with loretta lynch, on a tarmac bed

  5. Most likely the phony FBI is working as we type a new Russian tale to feed to the sheep in 2024. Get out your industrial strength tin foil skull caps.

  6. Everyone is probably familiar with the “turd in the punch bowl” analogy.

    Barr was just sitting at the bottom at the start of the party and took some time to float to the top and be identified.

    Until then everyone was raving about the great taste of the punch.

  7. I would like to ask Barr what lies did he tell Trump to allow Barr to be Attorney General. Barr obviously didn’t/doesn’t support Trump, and he was the head of a corrupt government organization (and either he didn’t care, was part of the corruption, or was too stupid to realize it).

  8. Barr claims that Horiuchi’s murder of Vicki Weaver was (is) “Constitutional.”


    Bar alleges that the FedGov, somewhere in the Constitution, is authorized by We, the People of the United States, to murder un-armed US citizens (particularly a woman holding her infant) who had never been accused, indicted, arrested, tried, and convicted?

    And, to his eternal shame, Mark Levin let him get away with it; rather than demanding that Barr cite that passage of the Constitution.


    Show me that part, Barr.
    Show me.

    You fat traitorous lying sack of monkey shit.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  9. @Mary Edith Candelario:


    “Patriotic world citizen” is the most gob-smacking contradiction in terms I’ve seen this month.

  10. Barr is corrupt to his core. He is un-American. He is a mortal enemy of every freedom-loving American. He should be held to account by the people he trampled on. He defiles the Earth with his very existence.

  11. I like to believe that the so called “PDT bad picks” were made to put a spot light on bad people/places/things that we had no idea about

    the corruption is/was so bold, in your face obvious, and all encompassing it’s impossible for the evil doers to walk much back at this point in time

    how many people know who fauci was prior to c19
    how many people know what a POS is now

    now who will enforce the law when tippytop law enforcement is committing crimes against their own citizens

  12. And This FUCKING IDIOT thinks Trump is the Horror show…

    Go buy a steak at twice the price under Trump, Gasoline at 3 Times, or eggs at almost 4 times as Americas debt keeps climbing to finance Zelenskyy’s Skimming of US funds.

    Fucking Hell!

  13. Actually Mr Pinko, Durham went as far and maybe a couple inches more than the Deep State would have liked to see. Did he name names and recommend prosecution? No but he said the FBI must return to the days when they had integrity.

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