Barr Says Mueller Was Wrong, ‘Could’ve Reached a Decision’ on Obstruction – IOTW Report

Barr Says Mueller Was Wrong, ‘Could’ve Reached a Decision’ on Obstruction

Epoch Times:

Attorney General William Barr said that special counsel Robert Mueller was wrong when Mueller said he could not recommend charging President Donald Trump with a crime if enough evidence existed.

Mueller, speaking for the first time since the submission of his report to Barr, claimed on May 29 that his team’s avoidance of a traditional prosecutorial decision—a recommendation to press charges or not—was due to Department of Justice policy.

“Under long-standing Department policy, a President cannot be charged with a federal crime while he is in office. That is unconstitutional. Even if the charge is kept under seal and hidden from public view—that too is prohibited,” Mueller said, citing the department’s Office of Legal Counsel.

“Charging the President with a crime was therefore not an option we could consider,” he added.

Barr, the head of the department and therefore Mueller’s boss, said that that simply was not true.

“I personally felt he could’ve reached a decision,” Barr said during an interview with CBS on May 30. Barr said Mueller “had his reasons” for not making a recommendation but declined to explain, adding: “I’m not going to, you know, argue about those reasons.”

Barr said the office’s opinion was relevant but didn’t prohibit what Mueller thought it did.

“The opinion says you cannot indict a president while he is in office, but he could’ve reached a decision as to whether it was criminal activity,” Barr said.

When Mueller’s team punted on making the decision on obstruction, Barr and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein stepped in and reviewed the 10 cases Mueller highlighted in his report. They also reviewed other evidence and found there wasn’t enough to conclude that Trump obstructed justice.

Barr was also asked about Mueller seeming to suggest that Congress continue the investigation, which lasted for about two years and cost tens of millions of dollars.

“I’m not sure what he was suggesting,” Barr said. “But the Department of Justice doesn’t use our powers of investigating crimes as an adjunct to Congress.”  more here

14 Comments on Barr Says Mueller Was Wrong, ‘Could’ve Reached a Decision’ on Obstruction

  1. This has all along been a blatant attempt to keep Mueller and his buddies from prosecution. The real crimes are all on the democrats. And as usual there are so many crimes it seems to confuse the inspectors. I say prosecute every crime of every individual no matter how long it takes.

  2. Why is Barr in Alaska talking to Eskimos (I have no problem with Eskimos) when he has what could be described as the future of our country in his hands? Is this another guy that is in place to jerk our chains? I hope trey gowdy hasn’t been giving him lessons in deceptive sound bites, because that’s all he has delivered so far is a couple good sound bites.

  3. “But the Department of Justice doesn’t use our powers of investigating crimes as an adjunct to Congress.”

    Let that SINK in Chuckie and Jeri the Jabba Gabba.

    Schumer is a major Swamp thing in the back round of the whole strategy on how to react.

  4. Prediction:

    Barr pulls Mueller’s passport. (And others linked to the coup, including “jurnolists”) that’s when the real show starts. 😉


  5. “This has all along been a blatant attempt to keep Mueller and his buddies from prosecution”

    Not sure what crimes you think “Mueller and his buddies” committed. Running a dishonest investigation, stacking your team with Hillary sycophants, failing to notify the nation a year ago when you found out that there was no Russian collusion, failing in your mandate, negating a thousand years of common law that states the defendant is presumed innocent, and putting your thumb on the scales with such nebulous convoluted wording in your one sided report that it requires Congress to continue it’s Trump stalking, all these things are bad but not criminal.

  6. 1. Collusion is not a crime.
    2. A sitting president cannot be indicted. (Was that a Democrat law?)
    3. You can’t obstruct something that you didn’t do in the first place.
    4. You can object to being hounded for 2+ straight years, that is not obstruction of anything.

  7. Mueller wasn’t even Constitutionally to be appointed to this role. The whole thing is a scam on America. Mueller should have actually been approved by Congress and the president himself. The fact that Donald Trump did give the Mueller team everything they asked for and cooperated fully says much more about Mueller.


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