“Barry’s Fingerprints Are All Over This”… – IOTW Report

“Barry’s Fingerprints Are All Over This”…



When Obama aligned with the Muslim Brotherhood, only a small percentage of the American people actually saw the big picture and realized the potential for long term issues.  Few people understood the nature of how political Islam would manifest with the extremist ideologues under their guide of the Brotherhood as an organization. Al-Qaeda, al-Nusra, ISIS, Hamas, Hezbollah et al, all fall under the extremist rubric of the Brotherhood, or what might be considered authentic Islam. more here

17 Comments on “Barry’s Fingerprints Are All Over This”…

  1. Off topic comment. The record for voating a Speaker of the House is 133 times over a 2 month period, girlfriend, 1846 or so. In our day that will bring America to the next election, food for thought.

  2. remember, Biden’s first directives were to shut down the US oil production.
    then the US decided to be the world’s munitions supplier by creating the Afghanistan withdrawal debacle, giving vast munitions to Islamists throughout the world
    then, after many threats from Iran (w/ the acquiescence of Russia & China), & w/ the monetary backing of the Biden Regime, they decided to unleash Hamas to start a war w/ Israel

    it’s a no-lose situation for the Islamists … & demonRats have never been on the side of Israel …. since FDR & Kennedy … NEVER!… (jump down that rabbit hole … expand your brain)

    I pray for the Israelis … only the Christians (some of them) are their allies

  3. Afghanistan withdrawal was following the plans of …get this Da Former Guy’s debocle plans. China your mistaken Former Guy has/cash investments in Xi, oh no Mr Bill. Talk about shit & sling it ,it just might cum back at ya. Hell your so-called WTF ever is going to truthfully enjoy his term, on office? Sure head of the laundry.

  4. Hey please tell us ALL his fake-ass plans. See u believe em ,other know better. Mexico will pay for the wall. How come Jim Jordan never ever ONCE voted to support those fake promises? How come his “FAKE” administration couldn’t pass laws? Presidential mandates, oh u GOTS NOTHING.

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