Baseball Park Declines to Play National Anthem, Fans Rise to Sing It Anyway – IOTW Report

Baseball Park Declines to Play National Anthem, Fans Rise to Sing It Anyway

Breitbart; When a crowd at a Fresno, California, baseball game was told that the park had no intention of playing the Star-Spangled Banner prior to the game, the crowd rose to their feet and sang it anyway.

A video of the incident shows the crowd breaking out into boos when they collectively realize that the national anthem is not going to be played. But soon the boos give way to voices rising in unison to sing the anthem whether the park planned it or not, Fox News reported.

The incident happened at a high school softball championship game at Fresno State’s Margie Wright Diamond on Friday night as the Clovis High Cougars faced (and later defeated 6-3) the Buchanan High Bears.

Baseball fan Tiffany Marquez told the Fresno Bee that she was shocked when the announcer said the anthem was canceled. “Within seconds, you could hear people in the crowd singing and the volume of their voices building. There I was, standing in the middle of a true testament to unity and patriotism,” she added triumphantly.  more

6 Comments on Baseball Park Declines to Play National Anthem, Fans Rise to Sing It Anyway

  1. My understanding is that in tournament play the anthem is played before the first game only.
    Good on the people to spontaneously sing but don’t hate on the venue or park management.

  2. The Obama years have brought to the surface all this nations bottom feeders. They openly show disdain for traditional values and contempt for those that hold them.
    I wonder if they make the connection that it’s the people of this country they are insulting not some abstract concept. And if they do understand that then I’d remind them that it’s a big world and they’re free to go darken the atmosphere elsewhere.


  3. When will these geniuses who run sporting events figure out that the fans (their customers) are patriotic Americans and stop doing things to piss them off?


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