Basecamp employees quit en masse after company bans ‘political’ discussions over ‘funny names’ list – IOTW Report

Basecamp employees quit en masse after company bans ‘political’ discussions over ‘funny names’ list

The Blaze-

Employees of Basecamp, a popular software company, quit en masse on Friday after a ban on “societal and political” discussions.

The exodus came after a heated debate at the company about their inclusive policies. The original disagreement arose over a list of Basecamp customers with “funny names.” Some employees complained that the names were either Asian or African, and the list was offensive to them.

On Monday, CEO Jason Fried outlined several new policies including the ban on political speech. When employees expressed their opposition to the new policies, the company offered them a severance package. read more

12 Comments on Basecamp employees quit en masse after company bans ‘political’ discussions over ‘funny names’ list

  1. Yeah, good luck getting Antifa to Code.

    I support these people who walked out. I’m sure they are more Liberal than conservative but even they can see where it is all going.

  2. I think what Basecamp’s CEO said was perfectly reasonable and was in no way stifling speach. I am sure Basecamp is better, now that the rabid idealogues have left. Filling 18 positions in this market shouldn’t take long. I have a hunch that more than a few of those 18 simply couldn’t pass on the severence package offer and took a chance.

  3. If you watch the video with the co-founder of Basecamp, he’s very reasonable as why they’ve adopted the no politics or sjw policy. Makes perfect sense to me. Work isn’t spelled woke. So, do your job. Wanna be an advocate for some multi lettered group-do it on your own time on a separate social media venue. Kind of like how old work places used to be!

  4. The only problem I have with this is that the company is in Chicago. If it was in the ATL I would be all over the Director of Customer Support’s recently vacated position.

  5. Somebody at my company got into trouble for saying “Kung-flu” during a conference call. Some snowflake got offended. Although not mentioning a name, they made an example of the person by posting the story on our global corporate social media site. I saw the story yesterday morning. I’ve got five more years until my planned retirement. I hope I can make it.

  6. OMG (yes, I have learned a few new text acronyms from my students). You were hired by the company to perform a service. If you do not agree, just leave. Tell us you do not agree, and then go try to find another job.

    Glassdoor does say that they pay well, but there is only one review. I do not know the company, but I have always told people who have asked and followed the idea that if I do not like it, leave and find a better job for you. If the company insists to bring politics into the company culture, and you do not agree, speak up and deal with it. I have been “let go” or have resigned twice in my career because of these types of conflicts. It wasn’t easy to deal with the fall out, but in the end, it was worth it to leave. Just my opinion

  7. It’s not even good manners to talk politics at work.
    To do it on an open public forum tied to the company?
    – Seems like corporate suicide to let that continue.

  8. If the employees have time to make lists and have off work discussions during work they aren’t doung their jobs.
    Although my name has been made fun of all my life and I don’t care.
    My real name that is.

  9. Turns out the old-timers were right all along. It just makes sense to never talk politics or religion, especially in the workplace. It makes for a more polite society and everyone can get along much better.

    If more companies – mom & pop, small, large & multinational – would follow this guideline, the SJW Wokesters wouldn’t be the tail wagging the dog, like they do now. Instead they’d be in fear for their jobs and quickly learn to just Shut The Fuck Up or risk getting shitcanned.


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