Bataclan terrorists tortured & castrated victims, gouged eyes, mutilated women’s genitals – IOTW Report

Bataclan terrorists tortured & castrated victims, gouged eyes, mutilated women’s genitals

CAIN: The Islamist massacre at the Bataclan was already terrifying in terms of its sheer scope, but it now appears that murder was only the most basic of the atrocities it involved. Last year, we heard rumblings of this as eyewitnesses claimed that victims who were killed quickly were, sadly, the lucky ones.  Many, it seems, were sexually tortured, mutilated, disemboweled, beheaded, and disfigured before they died.   …And it was all filmed for propaganda.

To make matters worse, French officials suppressed such testimony.  We wouldn’t want to go upsetting “the religion of peace,” would we?  more

8 Comments on Bataclan terrorists tortured & castrated victims, gouged eyes, mutilated women’s genitals

  1. I read this earlier today on Pamela Gellar’s great site.

    Utterly inhuman what these bastards did to innocent, defenseless people.

    Read it if you can stand the awful details.

  2. Whether we are at war with Islam or not, make no mistake…
    Islam is surely at war with us.

    How about all those peace-loving Muslims who came out in droves today to denounce the most recent mass atrocity.
    You didn’t see them?
    Of course you didn’t – they weren’t there.

  3. It seems leaders of countries all over the world are wanting their citizens to suffer and die at the hands of muslim terrorist. let them in, let them kill, then cover up for them and bring in more. we must prepare to defend ourselves and vote out those who commit this sort of treason!

  4. The description of the antichrist in the Bible is the same description as the mahdi in islam.

    A moslem is probably the closest you can get to Satan among the living here on earth.

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