Bathhouse Barry Was Using USAID to Pretend to Send ‘Aid’ Overseas But Was Laundering It to Train ‘Rent-a-Riots’ Instead – IOTW Report

Bathhouse Barry Was Using USAID to Pretend to Send ‘Aid’ Overseas But Was Laundering It to Train ‘Rent-a-Riots’ Instead

Gateway Pundit-

Mike Benz, the founder of the Foundation for Freedom Online, recently joined Joe Rogan on his very popular podcast The Joe Rogan Experience with over 19 million subscribers.

The podcast was filmed several weeks ago but a clip from this discussion is making the rounds this week on social media.

During their conversation, Mike Benz shared how Barack Obama was using money to USAID to pretend to send “aid” overseas. In actuality, Obama was laundering the taxpayer dollars and using it to train “rent-a-mobs” instead!

This is a huge development but maybe not so surprising considering how Democrats believe they can do anything they please. With other people’s money. more here

16 Comments on Bathhouse Barry Was Using USAID to Pretend to Send ‘Aid’ Overseas But Was Laundering It to Train ‘Rent-a-Riots’ Instead

  1. Quote 0bama “We didn’t have a scandal that embarrassed us”.

    Of course they didn’t embarrass you. But they were, to anyone with a sense of decency and morality, scandals. Of which, he and his team of thieves, were endlessly proud.

  2. This was so obvious in 2020. There were literally videos of leftist organizers paying rioters to vandalize specific stores. Shutting down USAID has shut down much of the leftist protestor industrial complex. Most of these idiots out there are “protesting” for a paycheck. They’re craptivists. They don’t believe in a goddamn thing.


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