Battle of the Brainless: Justin Trudeau vs. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez – IOTW Report

Battle of the Brainless: Justin Trudeau vs. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Mirror mirror on the wall
Who’s the dumbest politician of them all?


It’s about time we definitively decide which politician has the fewest functioning brain cells. It comes down to an epic battle between Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY).

Sorry Americans; I know you like to finish first in everything but in this contest you lose. The Canadian PM is hands down less intelligent than the newly elected representative from New York. It is true AOC’s airhead statements are becoming more and more bizarre,  but the things she comes out with show a lack of education and the fact she is a committed socialist who has never learned the truth about socialism. Trudeau, on the other hand, says things that no person above the age of five and of average intelligence would ever say.

Let’s first look at some of the utterances Trudeau has made over the years. In 2014, the Liberal leader was speaking to a group of university students in London, Ontario. He said, “We have to realize that the way of thinking that got us to this place no longer holds. We have to rethink elements as basic as space and time, to go all science fictiony on you in this sense. [Emphasis added] (Toronto Sun, Sept. 21, 2014.)

“Fictiony”  of course is not a word but we’ll give him a pass on this one even though he does make up words. Just what does he mean by saying we have to rethink those elements? Does the Little Potato really think concepts such as space and time can be changed? Is Junior trying to put himself in the same category as Einstein and Hawking even though neither of them simply said we have to rethink basic elements such as space and time? THE STATEMENT MAKES NO SENSE.

Again in 2014, while Trudeau was leader of the Liberal Party but not yet prime minister, Trudeau said “if you commit to growing the economy, the budget will balance itself.” That statement again makes absolutely no sense. It is impossible for budgets to somehow balance themselves. Ordinary intelligent people who are able to observe life around them and who have never studied economics are able to understand budgets do not balance themselves. (London Free Press, Mar. 1, 2018)  Keep Reading

15 Comments on Battle of the Brainless: Justin Trudeau vs. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

  1. Trudeau still hasn’t explained why in the world he wanted an extradition treaty with the PRC before Huawei hit him in the face. His own party members had to drag him back.

  2. God help us if these two should mate with each other; the amount of stupid they would spawn would be earth shattering. I’m talking Chelsea Clinton levels of stupidity.

  3. I’m with Bobcat. Canadas prime minister did insist he has trouble grasping the concepts of space and time.

    However, All On Crack is still young and has plenty of time to lower the bar.

  4. Great, to tell you the truth we were actually hoping for the Stanley Cup rather then dumbest politico.
    In any event Trudeau the Younger is in for bloody fight in the coming election. The last time around the Conservative Party played nice mostly because this guy had no record, was attractive (people actually voted for this moron because he was cute) and was a reminder to a lot of true believers of his father. This time around he has a bad, bad record to attack, isn’t quite as cute anymore and is reminding people why Trudeau the Elder was despised at the end.
    So at the end of the day we have Trudeau for another 9 months or so while you’re going have Occasional Cortex for a bunch more years. Go LEAFS!


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