Battle Over ‘Sanctuary Campuses,’ In-State Tuition to DREAMERs Heats Up – IOTW Report

Battle Over ‘Sanctuary Campuses,’ In-State Tuition to DREAMERs Heats Up

Breitbart: Universities and colleges have reacted to President Donald Trump’s election by declaring their campuses safe zones from immigration authorities. The funding battle over sanctuary cities and other jurisdictions has intensified and expanded to “sanctuary campuses.”

Representatives in the U.S. Congress are fighting back, and state governments are gearing up for fights.

After the President’s election in November, colleges and universities started declaring their educational institutions to be “sanctuary campuses” and “safe spaces” for illegal aliens, and they have been issuing resolutions that would actually prohibit campus police from cooperating with Immigration Customs Enforcement (ICE) and the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP). Students at Sanford University in November were one of the first to march and demand that the university be used as a shelter for illegal aliens facing deportation, reported Breitbart News.

“The controversy has only heightened with Trump’s election,”  Baltimore County (Maryland) Executive Kevin Kamenetz said during an interview on Full Measure with Sharyl Attkisson Sunday. “There have been demonstrations at more than a dozen colleges and universities. At least nine of them have declared themselves to be sanctuary campuses — promising various levels of non-cooperation with U.S. authorities to protect their illegal immigrant students.”  MORE

15 Comments on Battle Over ‘Sanctuary Campuses,’ In-State Tuition to DREAMERs Heats Up

  1. Obama president: “Arizona can’t enforce immigration, it’s a federal responsibility!”

    Trump president: “You can’t enforce federal immigration laws, this is a college campus!”

  2. Obama has already laid the groundwork with his DOJ and the “Dear Colleague” letter regarding how colleges and universities were to handle accused sexual assailants (no due process, no law enforcement involvement, just go straight to expulsion based on accusations, no matter how flimsy). Schools that did not follow these new guidelines risked losing their federal funding. Same now goes for sanctuary campuses…you harbor illegals, give them “safe spaces,” in-state tuition, etc. and you LOSE FEDERAL MONEY. Thanks for the great idea, Obama!

  3. These socialist academic turds believe in the sovereignty and rules of the campus but not the sovereignty and laws of the Nation.
    Thank you socialists for your clear message to taxpayers.
    Cut their state and federal funding.

  4. My buddies little girl cannot get into
    Texas A&M Vet. school because they have to
    admit foreign students first.Some are probably
    illegals.She was home schooled and has top SAT scores.
    Makes me sick.

  5. Totally eliminate all federal and state subsidies to the universities.
    When students have to pay their own way, that is a sure way to eliminate all those useless degree programs in basket weaving and the useless professors who teach them. Get rid of all those ‘compliance’ bureaucrats, and the ‘affirmative action’ dead wood on the staffing.
    Make it a meritocracy again, and that will make Academia great again.

  6. Why do illegal aliens need to go to college? Over the years we have been told that we need illegal aliens to do the jobs Americans won’t do. You don’t need to go to college to pick fruit or scrub skid marks out of toilets.

    Every illegal alien taking a spot in a college is displacing an American. And with Affirmative Action, the illegal alien is not only taking the spot of an American, he/she is getting in with lower grades and test scores, adding insult to injury.

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