Battle stations! The voter purges are coming! – IOTW Report

Battle stations! The voter purges are coming!

CFP: One of the Left’s favorite scare tactics is to claim that Republicans want to ruthlessly purge members of Democrat-friendly demographic groups from the nation’s voter rolls.

They claim Republicans want to do this because they hate minorities and the poor. This is simply propaganda but it persists election cycle after election cycle.

So it shouldn’t be surprising that on the day of the first meeting of the Presidential Advisory Committee on Election Integrity, career leftist Vanita Gupta published what PJMedia’s David Steinberg called a “‘Moon Landing Was Faked’-level rant about the Committee’s supposed dangers to American democracy.”

Gupta ran the Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Division in the final two years of the Obama administration. During her tenure, the Civil Rights Division ignored its legal responsibility to safeguard voter rolls. So naturally Gupta is upset.  more here

16 Comments on Battle stations! The voter purges are coming!

  1. FTA: “Her legal brethren believe voter fraud is a myth Republicans use to disenfranchise people they don’t like.” That’s bullshit. They know damn well there’s voter fraud because they perpetrate it. They have no problem disenfranchising legitimate voters who don’t elect their candidates, like military members serving overseas.

  2. Don’t you just love these clowns with unpronounceable names that have been in this country for about 5 years lecturing us about what terrible bigots and racists we are?

  3. There are close to 3,000,000 illegal voters in California. Some are dead, others have benefitted from traitor Bill Clinton’s “Moter Voter Act” which enrolls someone to vote when they get a driver’s license. Hopefully President Trump can out a stop to this unconstitutional
    bag of bull droppings which gets worse all the time.

  4. This is the same voter information states SELL to political parties, political groups, and anybody willing to pay for it. I heard this in an interview with the guy leading the study.

    It’s probably only the democrat governors holding out.

  5. “…claim that Republicans want to ruthlessly purge members of Democrat-friendly demographic groups from the nation’s voter rolls.”

    You mean like the dead, felons, illegal immigrants? Those “democrat-friendly demographic groups”?

  6. To PROVE that Republicans don’t hate the DEAD, I think we should REQUIRE all voting lists to be METICULOUSLY REVIEWED for the deceased, and see UNDER EXACTLY WHICH PARTY THE DEAD ARE REGISTERED.

  7. From the New Yorker article which accompanied that dartboard of a picture…

    “Gupta does not have a job lined up, but she sounded untroubled when she talked about her own future. When she spoke about the future of the Civil Rights Division, however, she became emotional. “It’s hard,” she said. “It’s just hard to know who we’re handing everything to.”

    And this…

    “Most of the fifteen people seated around the table were political appointees, who would leave their jobs by the end of the week. But the Civil Rights Division has some seven hundred employees, including three hundred and eighty-three attorneys, and all of those not in the room would be staying—at least for now.”

    This is what AG Sessions has to deal with, and if he can’t take PDT cracking the whip, then he can’t do what needs to be done. It’s that simple.

  8. She was never approved by the Senate. By law every agreement she made after one year as the acting head is null and void. Bet she never mentioned that though.

  9. Minority ACORN types troll nursing homes filling out absentee ballots “for” residents. Do you think any GOP votes ever see the light of day? Do you think “memory care” or Alzheimer’s patients can reliably vote when they don’t know their own names? No problemo for Dems! This is what we are up against. Truly Providence that PDJT was able to overcome the organized criminals.

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