BBC comes under pressure for censorship and lies – IOTW Report

BBC comes under pressure for censorship and lies

The Exposé:

The BBC is under pressure both within the UK and without.  Several plaintiffs have filed a lawsuit in USA against BBC and others for online censorship.  While in the UK peaceful protestors covered the front of BBC buildings with stickers and posters.

On 10 January Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., chairman and chief litigation counsel for Children’s Health Defense, announced that he and several other plaintiffs filed a groundbreaking novel lawsuit making antitrust and constitutional claims against the BBCThe Associated PressReuters and The Washington Post.

The lawsuit alleges these outlets partnered with several Big Tech firms to “collectively censor online news,” including stories about covid-19 and the 2020 US presidential election that were not aligned with official narratives regarding those issues.

Read more: Landmark Lawsuit Slaps Legacy Media With Antitrust, First Amendment Claims for Censoring Covid-Related Content, The Defender, 10 January 2023

Three days before, a campaign titled ‘The Media is the Virus’ plastered BBC buildings across the UK with stickers displaying messages and photos of people who have been killed by covid injections.

On its Telegram group, the campaign’s slogan is: “The media lied and people died.”  The group is organising another protest in three weeks’ time on 11 February.  Protests are planned to take place in other countries as well as the UK such as in Paris, France and New York, USA. more

5 Comments on BBC comes under pressure for censorship and lies

  1. As the Official Propaganda Organ of the UK isn’t the BBC immune from both lawsuits and any obligation to “truth?”

    Maybe I’m confused, but I don’t recall any Soviets suing Pravda, or Cubans suing Granma, or Germans suing Goebbels.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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