BBC’s Highest Paid Anchor Huw Edwards Resigns Following Allegations of Paying More Than $45,000 to a Teenager for Explicit Photos – IOTW Report

BBC’s Highest Paid Anchor Huw Edwards Resigns Following Allegations of Paying More Than $45,000 to a Teenager for Explicit Photos


Huw Edwards, the highest-paid anchor for the far-left British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), has resigned this week following a prolonged absence from the airwaves due to allegations involving payments for sexually explicit photos of a teenager.

The BBC confirmed his resignation was based on “medical advice” from his doctors after nearly 40 years with the network.

“Following a period of serious medical advice, Huw Edwards has decided to resign, effectively immediately,” the BBC said on Monday.

The network expressed its agreement with Edwards’ decision, emphasizing that it would allow all involved parties to move forward.

“After 40 years of service, Huw has explained that his decision was made on the basis of medical advice from his doctors.” more here

14 Comments on BBC’s Highest Paid Anchor Huw Edwards Resigns Following Allegations of Paying More Than $45,000 to a Teenager for Explicit Photos

  1. I’m enjoying that the Gateway Pundit labeled the BBC as “far-left”. The mainstream media seems to enjoy labeling any website that is to the political right of Mao’s belief system as being “far-right”, so it seems only fair that the BBC is accurately labeled as “far-left”. What’s good for the goose, …..

  2. “And the United States isn’t?”

    With all the gay days and trans days and diversity days, we’ve normalized degeneracy to make it not officially degeneracy. It’s pride and visibility instead, things to be celebrated.

  3. “If Huw has been found to have done something wrong no action can be taken against him.”

    Looks like the UK has a two—tiered justice system too.

    Side bar: Notice they cleverly masked the sex of the teenager involved. My guess is that “Huw” is a homo.

  4. @ Cmn¢¢guy SATURDAY, 27 APRIL 2024, 11:53 AT 11:53 AM

    Anyone who had a problem recognizing out and proud followers of “progressivism” as out and proud Satanists care to continue that debate in that context. Progressivism = Marxism = Satanism and irrespective of if you want to admit it or not anyone you know who supports or casts legitimate votes for ANY Democrat is just hunky dory with that.

    You hear a lot of Constitutional conservatives say it’s time to choose sides, the progressive movement is putting their money where their mouth is and making it impossible to not recognize them for what they are & who they follow and then demand that anyone who is not down with their agenda be shunned… at the very least.

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