Be An Absolute Monster – IOTW Report

Be An Absolute Monster

But Stay Frosty.

7 Comments on Be An Absolute Monster

  1. He’s old enough to remember 1999? What a dinosaur! I was a young lad in my 40’s.

    That Y2K thing was just an exercise in control. A guy a the company I worked at at the time wrote an article for our customer newsletter wrote on how to protect a business from the expected disaster.

    I mentioned to him, “You know most of that is not going to happen.”

    “Yeah, I know.”

    “Then why did you write it?l

    “Legal liability.”

    I still couldn’t figure out why he wrote the article at all if he knew it was full of bovine excrement. Maybe such behavior was practice for COVID.

    I do appreciate that Viva Freí makes an effort to check what he does with what he has done before. That is something people on the right do.

  2. As an employee of the phone company at the time, it was “All Hands On Deck” regardless of the eye-rolling! Nobody believed that anything was going to happen, but nobody wanted to risk it if something did!


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