Be careful what you wish for – IOTW Report

Be careful what you wish for

Patriot Retort:

Four years ago, I wrote a column titled “Liberalism and the Long Con” (which is now in my first collection of columns, RANT: Politics & Snark in the Age of Obama).

That was then.

This is now.

Democrats have been thrown so far off their axis thanks to Donald Trump, they’re no longer playing the long con.

Instead, they’ve become woefully short-sighted.

Hell, they can’t even figure out if they want James Comey to stay or to go.

More  here

7 Comments on Be careful what you wish for

  1. UpChuck does not speak for every American, and for a small group of New Yorkers.
    He should fined for behavior unbecoming an adult, let alone a US Sen. He sets the example for all future political charlatans.

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