Be like Israel- Have Education Department Mandate Active Shooter Protocols – IOTW Report

Be like Israel- Have Education Department Mandate Active Shooter Protocols

Towhall: I’m a small government guy, however, it’s sadly apparent that the United States of America is paralyzed with political indecision over something the State of Israel figured out more than 40 years ago: all schools should have mandated security features and active shooter protocols.

The horrific scene in Parkland, and the upsetting videos broadcast from the school during the shooting, should be the final straw. The kids should not have been hiding and screaming, they should have been in the midst of a pre-determined security protocol.

President Trump, if the Department of Education can force Americans to deal with the disaster of Common Core, it can certainly issue a federal mandate regarding school security. The time is now.

My personal manifesto is that government should never get involved in an issue unless an ongoing clear and present danger exists to large numbers of people, and that any regulation or legislation has a sunset provision.

Here we are.

In 1974, Israel endured the Ma’alot Massacre in which “Palestinian” terrorists took 115 people hostage at Netiv Meir Elementary School. Twenty-two children and three others were killed and 68 injured. Israel now requires schools with 100 or more students to have a guard posted. The civilian police force handles the entire security system of all schools from kindergarten through college. The Ministry of Education funds shelters and fences, reinforces school buses, and hires and trains guards.

Guards don’t just stand around. They check everyone entering, and engage threats.

And yeah, they’ve got guns.The lawful purposes for carrying guns are very clear: protect school personnel and students, create a sense of security, deter the ill-intentioned, and provide self-defense.  read more

13 Comments on Be like Israel- Have Education Department Mandate Active Shooter Protocols

  1. This isn’t Israel and it’s a different threat. Not big fan of LEO guarding kids. I’ve explained why in earlier posts. The guns need to be with the kids which means arm the appropriate teachers, and train the hell out of them. Currently schools are the softest targets around and CNN has made them he favorite target of whack jobs. Arm some veterans too. Just make sure they have a kid attending.

  2. Arm and train teachers, school administrators, even the janitor if they are willing. Lock the damn doors and if it isn’t someone who has a reason to be there, don’t open the doors. How the hell is it so easy for killers to walk right into a school?

  3. I think I’ve come up with a plan to end school violence. We need to pass a law that forces state and federal elected officials to send there kids and grand kids to public schools instead of the fortified private schools they attend now. Complete with armed security forces.

  4. Anybody heard of “Beyond a Pale Horse”? Apparently describes an effort to encourage school shootings for the purpose of enacting gun control. Goes back to 1991. Just heard of it, that’s all I know.

  5. You can’t have the average teacher armed in urban schools because a 15 year old kid or several acting as one will disarm that teacher no matter how much training you give them. My example is this:
    Colin Flaherty has been covering school violence in the inner city schools for years (unfortunately YouTube deleted his account recently).

    I believe teachers should have a right to qualify to carry in a school setting if they can ensure that they can defend themselves and retain their weapon.

  6. I was just thinking the same thing, “Why is Israel always decades ahead of us?”

    They have virtually stopped hijackings, built a wall, beat back their enemies, arm their citizens, meanwhile we keep getting punched in the face.

  7. The plain fact, in my opinion, is that the teachers themselves need to be armed and trained to BE proficient in their task of SA (situational awareness).

    They are on the front lines.

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