Be Safe Out There. – IOTW Report

Be Safe Out There.

Atlantic 5-Day Graphical Tropical Weather Outlook.
Take care of yourselves. We’ll be praying for those in the path of Hurricane Ida – 2021.

12 Comments on Be Safe Out There.

  1. we got softball sized hail 5 miles from here. Totaled hundreds of RVs and vehicles at a large campsite. Plenty of warning and no one was caught outside thankfully.

  2. These things do happen unfortunately but what makes it many,many times worse is going to be the lame response from the dysfunctional Biden crew who can’t seem to get anything right.

  3. These things do happen unfortunately but what makes it many,many times worse is going to be the lame response from the dysfunctional Biden crew who can’t seem to get anything right.
    Prayers to all!

  4. Reg – the incompetent Communist tyrant Mayor Cantrell of NOLA has ordered that NOLA be evacuated. Get this – the city’s drainage pumps to pump out rainfall are inoperable. The US Taxpayers via the Fedl Gummint during Obola’s Reign, gave the Shitty Of New Orleans hundreds of millions of dollars to replace aging rainfall pumps and install more of them too. What did they do with the funds? Nobody knows and none of the pumps are working.

    This is what happens when Leftwing Communists masquerading as moderate Democrats run inner cities. Massive CORRUPTION and massive INCOMPETENCE.

    My wife & I live on the Northshore of Lake Pontchartrain, 30 miles due North of NOLA. We have preapred as much as we can and are watching the NHC forecasts. We are not evacuating.

    I don’t know where our IOTW brother Bayou Wolf lives but with a name like that and a Rebel Flag avatar, he’s gotta be down here in SE La. I hope & his loved ones make it thru IDA unharmed.

  5. I remember vividly 16 years ago when Katrina struck Louisiana, New Orleans in particular. I was there in the aftermath to help crews from all over the U.S. to help restore the power. It was utter devastation on a literal biblical scale. The point being, the media were jacking off & salivating about the loss of life because George W. Bush was president. Blame the Republican always works. Now, today, had TWC on for background noise & they are just reporting on the conditions & the path it might take. Just because Biden is president & a Democrat can NEVER have any stain on them. The media actually blamed Bush for the hurricane, saying that he was targeting blacks with it. Truly praying for those in the path. Hopefully it won’t be as bad as some are saying.

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