Beam Me Up, Please – IOTW Report

Beam Me Up, Please

American Thinker | Clarice Feldman:
If you are like me, you face each day knowing that some other crazy claim will sweep up millions of uncritical people, people willing to live in a contrafactual and contralegal world. There are too many examples of these waves of lunatic hysteria to recount here but let me note two: Russiagate and BLM.


Media coverage of the developments debunking the preposterous claim that the President colluded with Russia is both spotty and sparse. There’s a reason for it. Major media almost entirely swallowed the claim, conspired with its promoters, endlessly and prominently mongered it and has never apologized for so doing.

This week Professor Charles Lipson wrote the very best chronicle of the most serious domestic political crime I can think of. I urge you not only to read it but also clip and save it as textbook level recounting of the events. Here’s a sample of this well-organized account of the critical facts:

Mueller was appointed in May 2017. But the FBI and DOJ had all this vital information in hand by February 2017. They knew the stories about Trump contacts with Russian intelligence were false. They knew the Steele Dossier was worthless. No one seemed to care. Senior officials at the FBI and Justice Department ignored the evidence, continued their probe, and then handed it off to Special Counsel Mueller. Mueller and his team had all the FBI’s information and conclusions in hand the day they started their investigation.


h/t Systematically Confused.

10 Comments on Beam Me Up, Please

  1. Let’s have a poll of upcoming outrages the Left is going to do in August…September etc…

    The riots are winding down I think. Again tonight in Seattle they are desperately seeking marauders for their nightly march and there’s not enough enthusiasm. Andy Ngo has a tweet that the mayor of Portland is meeting with DOJ to come to a ceasefire with AntiFa. June 25th was their big day. Now they are heading back home to ProtestMom.

    Something’s next. There’s alway chaos.

  2. I bought the first two of Dan Bonginos books exposing this
    criminal conspiracy and coup attempt. He laid it out in accurate and interlocking detail on how each dirtball was
    supporting the other in their criminality.
    The press was a Huge coniving player in spreading the endlessly repeated agitprop lies and they All belong in jail.

  3. @Illustr8r – perhaps the DOJ nabbed several key people in both Seattle and Portland? Maybe give them time to regroup and they’ll be back. After all, August is the hottest month of the summer and tempers always flare.

    Re: poll candidates

    (1) They’ll focus on disturbing convention cities ahead of the conventions. That takes time, planning and troupe movement.

    (2) BLM is planning a 100,000-man, armed march in D.C. in August. How does Antifa support it? They need brainstorming! (Followed by their brains blowing up.)

  4. Sane people get we’re being played and this all orchestrated. If the left really wanted any sort of police reform or even hated police like they claim they wouldn’t have started with the riots and attacks on cops.
    Sane people get that all races, all political stripes were on the same page after the video. People were outraged that cops were arresting business owners and moms in parks.
    Now people have forgotten all about the video and all about the business owners and moms being arrested. This was an agenda all along and it honestly was never about hating the cops, just like blacks, women, cops have learned they will eat their own. Most people I don’t think ever even let it cross their mind how many cops are actual leftists themselves as well as the unions that represent them.

    I saw something tonight that I’m not sure how I missed it but a guy who obviously had mental problems or some kind of serious medical condition was tasered fifty something times in Oklahoma last year and died. That video is much more disturbing than a guy having a knee on his neck. Watching a naked guy getting hit by a taser again and again while laying in a ditch being told to put his hands behind his back while he’s still shaking on the ground is quite disturbing, but it has never been on a constant loop on national news.

    This isn’t about bad cops, reforms, defunding, this is about their agenda. If it was about any of that more would be made about St. Louis cops telling a couple they wouldn’t protect them and instead would take their guns. More would be made about cops standing down and allowing Coloradans gathered supporting cops to be attacked.

  5. “And each time the media play along.”
    The media is complicit in all of this, at $10M a year they are nothing more than ventriloquist dummies for the left. Top to bottom, I have yet to here even hear a local newscaster call “bullshit”.
    322 – Covid deaths Nebraska
    230 – Fatal Car Accidents Nebraska 2020
    So I am in as much danger driving as dieing of covid.
    How long will it continue – 99 days – at least.

  6. Agree with Cmn¢¢guy AT 1:36 AM. Clarice is way too kind when she states that the ‘Major media almost entirely swallowed the claim’. They didn’t “swallow” anything. They rub shoulders with these Swamp Rats. They are married to these Swamp Rats and they are in the business to know. They have access to more information than you can shake a stick at that never sees the light of day. That make them fully complicit in attempting to deliberately deceive the American public, something we see more and more with them taking the democRAT party line Lie on everything.
    That’s why I call them the Complicit, Bought & Paid For, Knee-Pad Media.
    Now the Fully Corrupt CB&OFKPM!


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