Beam Mr. Sulu To the Nearest Unfriendly Planet – IOTW Report

Beam Mr. Sulu To the Nearest Unfriendly Planet

Diogenes’ Middle Finger: George Takei, best know to most as Lieutenant Hikaru Sulu, the guy who pretended to drive around a big ass flying saucer with Cadillac fins and being yelled at by William Shatner on television has always been a pretty nasty, angry leftist. Now he’s just an elderly washed-up antagonistic Homo, spouting bizarre or hateful things to and about Republicans on the tweeter. This weekend he openly wishing for the severe injury or death of one of them. Saturday Senator Marco Rubio tweeted out that he was so confident in the COVID-19 vaccine that he took it himself.  Takei didn’t let the opportunity pass him by: more

25 Comments on Beam Mr. Sulu To the Nearest Unfriendly Planet

  1. @Anonymous:

    “I seriously doubt that George is a very happy man.”

    Most gays don’t seem very happy to me. They look and act like little boys obsessed with genitalia.


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