Beating Democrat Electoral Corruption – IOTW Report

Beating Democrat Electoral Corruption

American Thinker-

By J.R. Dunn

Since Nov. 3rd, one particular line has been repeated almost to the point of becoming a meme: “There will never be another honest election in this country.”

I’ve seen it in a dozen articles I’ve worked on for AT, and at least twice that many times elsewhere. It wouldn’t be going too far to say that it has became a piece of received wisdom, along the lines of “Biden is the asterisk president”: there will never be another honest election in the U.S.

To some extent, this attitude is understandable, and you can’t blame people for holding it. I myself entertained similar thoughts in the wake of the electoral coup this past fall.

This reflects conservative defeatism. Unfortunately, the default position for most conservatives is to give up, retreat into the think tank and spend time tossing off remarks about how horrible our doom will be, mixed with attacks on anyone trying to stop it. It’s in times like this that this fatal, self-inflicted flaw becomes most evident.

But all the same, it’s wrong, and it’s wrong for a very apparent and simple human reason. read more

23 Comments on Beating Democrat Electoral Corruption

  1. “Conservatives” found a guy that would fight in the person of DJT; that they actively fought him and conspired with their Democrat masters to overthrow his administration shows that the Experiment is over. Their will not be a ‘free and fair’ election in this country for the foreseeable future.

    The Republic will have to be re-established, and that is not going to happen by voting; we aren’t voting our way out of this. What remains to be seen is if there are a sufficient number of Americans left here to effect that change. Given that the populace has willingly accepted the China Syndrome lie and have willing surrendered their liberties, I sincerely doubt that their are sufficient numbers. I think it will be a long time before liberty visits these shores again.

  2. The dems committed so many crimes malfeasance in the ’16 election it was ridiculous and the result was a humongous investigation of trump russia.

    The dems just got done stealing a presidential election and the result is an impeachement trial of trump.

    Anyone who can’t figure out that the only way these two things could happen is if the republican party in congress allowed it to happen is not to bright, imo.

    the republican party is dead to me and if trump is stupid enough to stick with them, he deserves everything he gets, including maybe a nice long prison term from a conviction on made up charges that keep coming with the help of congressional republicans.

    In a secret vote, almost every republican in congress would vote to send trump to prison. Just a few good people in the republcian party in congress would vote against. You know who they are.

  3. I think odin2013 is right and what this country has to look forward to is decades of tyranny and oppression. It will be no better or different than the old USSR. There was never a revolt against tyranny there. They just put up with it for decades until the entire thing collapsed of its own weight. I think the same will happen here. Prediction of fighting against it are just resentment porn that will never happen.

  4. The first step in fighting electoral corruption is proving it to the general public.

    To anyone paying attention, that’s already been done. Beyond that, good luck The Communists don’t want the Truth to ever see the light of day!

  5. The author is writing from Delusion City.

    Oh those rackilly dems and their once in a lifetime “voter fraud” Hate to break the news to you but they are RIGHT NOW implementing plans with immigration to make illegals, legal and along with all the goodies, they’re gonna get the vote.

    We won Texas with RR in 1984 by over 30%. Last go around with Trump? 5%

    Once the communists have Texas, they will start off any presidential electoral count with 257. START OFF before 1 vote is cast. Can you dig it? You need 270 to win. Not going to be any need for fraud.

    Hell even with out 10s of 1,000s of chomping at the bit illegals already on their way to Texas, there are literally millions of locusts moving there because of the low tax, low reg laws.

    They’ll fuck it up EXACTLY like they killed CO.

    Ask me how I know

  6. Bottom line is which side aligns with the armed forces. Is the armed forces composed of a majority of patriots or tyrants. We talk of the democrats stacking the vote with immigrants but why is no one paying attention to who we are enlisting into military service. We have already reached the point where voting can be controlled against the will of the people. Venezuela?

  7. “To anyone paying attention, that’s already been done. ”
    No, it hasn’t.

    Well we know it! Is this classified information? Do we have special access to the truth?
    Of course the MSM hasn’t informed anyone, but they are no longer the gateway to the news!

  8. Yes. We have to count on (lazy) state legislators to fix the mess.
    Just which ones are going to once more require actual reasons for absentee voting, stop early voting, outlaw Dominion machines and Smartmatic software? Which ones are going to stop allowing vote tallies be stored on overseas servers?

    These legislatures could have stopped the illegal actions by the Governors but didn’t.
    They’ll count on forgetful voters and the lack of new candidates.
    Yes. I am pessimistic about that path.
    Mostly because of tech tyrants and state media covering for Dirty Dems and Rotten Rinos.
    If Newsmax, OAN, RSB, etc get popular we will stand a chance.

  9. Who says we have given up? You can’t fight a problem if you don’t identify the problem.

    2020 was a one-off? Like hell. If it weren’t for Democratic election theft they would not have gained control of the House in 2018, Al Franken would never have been Senator, Christine Gregoire would not have been Governor of Washington., etc. Hillary Clinton probably would not have gotten the nationwide majority in 2016 (the Dems probably did not realize how unpopular she was and that it would have taken a lot more cheating for her to win the EC).

    This column reads like something from a pretend conservative who doesn’t want we Deplorables to rock the boat.

  10. The money quote from this article:

    “The GOP may not be willing to lift a finger to help Donald Trump or protect the Constitution. But save their own penny-ante political careers? That’s another story. That’s important. That has to be defended at all costs.”

  11. I saw what you did, Tn Tux. What they don’t take into account is that politicians will switch parties if that’s what it takes to keep their seat. We have a bunch of ostensible Repubs here in Georgia used to be Democrats.

  12. the only way to root out the corrupted is to COMPLETELY expose their indefensible evil dirty laundry so blackmail’s no longer effective
    then throw them into the prison general population

  13. Good article, optimistic, though here in Washington state there will be no such efforts as the communists, sorry, socialists, oops, democrats have obtained total control of the legislative and executive function as well as the judicial. Those of you who still can, throw off the chains.

  14. I’m thinking that the Democrats will use all the evidence we have proving they stole the election to get better at it. To finesse their stealing skills and make it so seamless that the next stolen elections will be more and more undetectable. If that is at all possible. On the other hand, communists and socialists are so incompetent that they will surely screw it up and be caught remanded again.

  15. An article 5 constitutional amendment movement would provide a way to count states that are disgusted with vote fraud. (R)s have the upper hand in many states, even if we can’t get the needed supermajority, it would be a great way send a big FU to the deep state.

    Voter ID polls highly even among the (D)umbcluck voters (like 75%, last I saw) it’s a wedge issue that might do well even in blue states – who have a lot more conservatives than elections reveal.

    Some say it would be hijacked, buuut: supermajorities, (R) control at state level(votes are counted BY STATE, like the electoral college), what do we got to lose at this point?

    Imagine a result of 30 states saying “this sucks, we want clean elections”. Not enough, but it gives fence sitters a chance to join, AND GIVES US A COUNT OF WHO’S IN FOR SECEDING – when THAT movement starts, states will get another choice: join fakeUS or realUS

  16. The fakeUS side is arrogant enough to believe their own BS about being better off without realUS, they might go along with secession easily. They’d get the high value real estate, most of the ports and perhaps not realize that OUR first priority would be to rebuild industry and cut imports.
    Splitting the US might get us out of being world cop/ military pork barrel.

    Splitting up the debt and creating new currency would need to be dealt with. But these are people who think that debt is a sound basis of currency, and tend to confuse $ wealth with actual productivity wealth. Let them keep the dollar while we create some kind of commodity based, blockchain traded? store of real wealth, and pay our debts with old dollars (which will be losing all value, with them in control of it).

    The US debt is mostly in the form of bonds, and promises to retiress. The bonds are mostly held by the VERY WEALTHY and foreign .govs who have taken advantage of US taxpayers.

    The only bondholders I’d care about are the ones held by the social security – which is about broke and will be taking tax dollars to support increasingly anyway. This gives us a chance to let youngsters out of paying into a .gov ponzi scheme – require them to pay into a retirement plan with real investments in the real economy instead, and tax them to support retirees (it’s going to happen anyway, better to cut out the SS bullshiz). I guess some bonds must be in the hands of ordinary people, perhaps we could remunerate selected categories while screwing most bondholders (Obama did it to GM bondholders, why can’t we do it to rich aholes who are mostly his fascist buddies)?

    I am all in favor of free market capitalism, but the way the big money and the chamber of commerce types have screwed us, I’d be very happy to seize their assets and give their bodies to the “eat the rich ” crowd.

  17. A couple more things, for after the split: replace welfare and disability systems with poorhouses. Big savings on welfare admins (socialist studies majors), savings could make the system more comfortable, while not rewarding sloth and sluttishness. Let’s see the thugs get laid when girls risk raising kids in a poorhouse or move in with mom and dad.
    And take ALL the money creation (loan) activities away from private banks and put it under the control of state/fed entities. More transparent and answerable to voters. Loaning is mainly about proving you are a good risk for paying it back, better to have .gov directly involved (and profiting) than to have a system where private banks colluding with politicians control the system secretly.

    In unity there is strength, but trying to remain united with scammers is not feasible. Thugs and leeches will tend to go with the blue states, productives will try to escape them.

  18. And a “freedom of education and association” amendment. Vouchers for any family whose kid can pass the tests, including home schoolers. Deprive the educrats, give the money to families. Give kids a way out of the bullying, indoctrination and stupidifying effects of teaching everyone in a .gov institution dominated by unionists and leftists.

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