Beau Biden Foundation takes in millions in donations, spends only fraction on kid’s programs – IOTW Report

Beau Biden Foundation takes in millions in donations, spends only fraction on kid’s programs

WILMINGTON, DE- For anyone who has been paying attention, Joe Biden cannot stop talking about his son Beau.

Whether its at a lunch in Poland with the 82nd Airborne whom he implied would be “going to” Ukraine or at the State of the Union when he was talking about a “moonshot” to beat cancer, Biden just has to bring up his dead son on what seems like an unhealthy continuing basis.

As to the foundation that bears Beau Biden’s name, they rake in a lot of money, but don’t give much out, according to the New York Post.

The Post reports that the Beau Biden Foundation for the Protection of Children brought in some $3.9 million in 2020, however only spent a small fraction of that on it’s stated mission to help kids.

The charity, based in Delaware was started in honor of Biden’s late son and received $1.8 million from the Biden Foundation, which was shut down in 2020 as Joe Biden ran for president.

The Biden Foundation was started by Biden and his wife, “Doctor” Jill Biden in order to champion “progress and prosperity for American families.”

According to the Post, the Beau Biden charity raked in some $225,000 from entities tied into a top political donor and bunder to Joe Biden.

However despite the $2 million-plus windfall, the organization only directed $544,961 in 2020 toward the stated purpose of protecting children from abuse, tax filings showed. more here

17 Comments on Beau Biden Foundation takes in millions in donations, spends only fraction on kid’s programs

  1. Virtually all NGOs operate like this now. It’s a complete fucking racket for well connected children of prominent politicians and other assorted useless fucks. This is why I don’t donate to jack shit. I’ll scrub dog dishes, do laundry, and pick up dog shit at the local shelter before I’d donate a dime to anything. Because the money is almost always wasted and ripped off in “administrative costs”.

  2. …Hunter, talking to Pedo about Beau…

    …y’know, this also explains SOME OF Hunter’s mental problems. He was a Junger in the Imperial German sense, in that he wasn’t SUPPOSED to inherit Pedo’s empire, Beau was being groomed for that, so Hunter berift of attention and station was just left to fleece the peasants and stay out of the way, like a good Junker would do.

    Then when Beau died, Pedo didn’t have a choice but to go with the son he didn’t give two shits about who they hadn’t even bothered to train for that role.

    So now that Pedo’s neurosyphilis is advancing with his senility to erase his nearer history, what’s left of his deteriorating, pervy mind goes back to what WAS, not what IS, and fills in the blanks with wish fulfillment.

    It would be sad if they weren’t both corrupt pedophiles who rape even their own kin.

    As it is, may the noose for both be slow in the drawing, but tight and hard in the end, and may their corpses hang until the crows pick them apart and maggots seethe in their skulls and they fall to pieces as their connective tissues rot as a warning to others.

  3. This is none other than a sympathy ploy to garner sympathy for Biden. Biden used his kid as an excuse not to run in 2016, Biden can no longer praise Humper. Fine mess you got us into this time Humper. Ever hear Biden talk about Humper’s military days? Dishonorable discharge due to drugs.

  4. Goldenfoxx
    MARCH 28, 2022 AT 9:09 AM
    “Dishonorable discharge due to drugs.”

    …yeah, let’s talk about that in context of recent laptop revelations.

    A Dishonourable Discharge disqualifies you under Federal law from buying a gun, BUT you can haveva solid-gold 20 year all-access military security clearance?

    In what universe does THAT make sense?

  5. Don’t forget the “Biden Cancer Initiative”, raked in $Millions, then vanished.

    “The so-called charity took in $4,809,619 in contributions in fiscal years 2017 and 2018, and spent $3,070,301 on payroll in those two years. “

  6. aleon
    MARCH 28, 2022 AT 9:39 AM
    “AND, what happened to Ashley’s diary? Did it just disappear? Oh wait, it’s safely concealed in the possession of the FBI.”

    …if, by “concealed” you mean “shredded, immolated, and the ashes flushed down the toilet”, then yes, the FBI has “concealed” it.

    Ask James O’Keefe what happens if you call any attention to it.

  7. There is nothing more despicable than a low down, lying, loathsome, amoral, out-of-touch, shame gland missing, mendacious, greedy, venal old fart who pimps out his kids, dead or alive, for his own personal gain!

  8. Tony R
    MARCH 28, 2022 AT 12:12 PM
    “IRONY ALERT: the Beau Biden Foundation for the Protection of Children”

    …probably “Protected” is pedospeak for “Dibs”.

    I could see a Biden financing a system for that.

  9. I’m on the board of a Christian ministry, and was previously on the board of two non-profits. The admin costs were always less than 1% on the charities. The ministry is about 5%, plus salaries for two people. Biden’s charity is a Democrat ripoff machine.


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