Beauty queen nearly dies from deadly jellyfish sting to her butt – IOTW Report

Beauty queen nearly dies from deadly jellyfish sting to her butt

NYP: Miss England pageant contestant Pratishtha Raut, 28, was reportedly left hospitalized for two days after being stung on the bum by a deadly box jellyfish during a luxurious escape to the island of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean. 

“The pain from the sting was unbearable,” the model and 2019 Miss England second runner-up told South West News Service of her Jan. 28 attack. “It felt like someone poured hot boiling water on my body, and the skin started to melt.”

Raut, from Hounslow, West London, was gifted her trip to the Lux Grand Gaube resort in Mauritius — which had been postponed for more than a year due to COVID-19 uncertainties — as a reward for raising more than $13,500 in charitable funds during her time as a Miss England finalist.  more

21 Comments on Beauty queen nearly dies from deadly jellyfish sting to her butt

  1. “She was accompanied on her tropical getaway by five other women, including the current reigning Miss England Rehema Muthamia, 25, and former winner Dr. Bhasha Mukherjee, 26.”

    Wait…We’re talking about England in Europe, right? Or is there some province in India called England that I didn’t know about.

  2. “After They inflated the Guy with Morphine, He was still Screaming”

    (Diaphanous Boxed Jellyfish Sting)

    Bill Bryson’s “A Sunburnt Country”

    Great Travel Book..and Raff out Roud Funny.

  3. Her wounds don’t look so serious. Of the 50 or so species of box jellyfish, also called sea wasps, only a few have venom that can be lethal to humans. Who ever wrote this puff piece exaggerated the lethality of this case quite a bit.

  4. Stupid. Just a publicity stunt for a reason to publish multiple photos of this “beauty” queen in a bikini. She must have a publicist or something to get this nonstory in the news.

  5. Some Tropical paradises around the world can be deadly. In Thailand, there is a famous beach that looks absolutely gorgeous. A few years ago a woman waded in and stepped on a stonefish, which has a venomous appendage on its back. She died within minutes.

    Some tropical beaches are dangerous because of bad people hanging around, like Copacabana in Brazil and Venice Beach in California.

  6. She’s not much to look at, whatever else she is.

    I’m pretty sure there’s better looking women in England than that.

    Even if it’s limited to Raj imports for some weird woke reason, I’ve got better looking Indian heritage women in our Thermal Processing department, and it’s an English-owned company, too.

    …I’m surprised the jellyfish even bothered.

    …it IS too bad they don’t show her backside, tho.

    The swelling is probably the ONLY time she’ll ever have any illusion of having actual feminine hams.


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