Because She Knows Nothing, Pelosi Warns That A Future Democratic President Could Declare National Emergency To Push Gun Control – IOTW Report

Because She Knows Nothing, Pelosi Warns That A Future Democratic President Could Declare National Emergency To Push Gun Control

DC: WASHINGTON, D.C. — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi warned President Donald Trump on Thursday that a future Democratic president could declare a national emergency to achieve an agenda, such as gun control policy.

Responding to the president’s announcement that he will declare a national emergency related to the U.S. southern border, Pelosi maintained that “Democratic presidents can declare emergencies as well. So the precedent that the president is setting here is something that should be met with great unease and dismay by the Republicans.”  more here


31 Comments on Because She Knows Nothing, Pelosi Warns That A Future Democratic President Could Declare National Emergency To Push Gun Control

  1. “2A is a Constitutional right. Back to your cave, bitch.”

    Sure enough. But Nancy didn’t invent this. Lil Ben and Erick Erickson did. Just sayen, how smart are they? She’s parroting them.

  2. Pelosi Warns Republicans: Next President Could Declare National Emergency on Guns


  3. “Democratic presidents can declare emergencies as well…”

    No shit, Nancy. That how we got this from Barky…

    “…In 2012, Obama declared a national emergency entitled, “Blocking Property of Persons Threatening the Peace, Security, or Stability of Yemen”

    …and at least a dozen more just as stupid. Whether or not Trump declares a National Emergency, a future Dem Preezy will declare stupid National Emergencies, so just STFU, bitch.

  4. Diversion. Real issue is what have you done as part of your “legacy” to protect our borders? Have you apologized to the Steinle family or the tens of thousands who have lost their loved ones? You created this emergency, you incoherent, vapid, vacuous, dysfunctional boob.

    What an abhorrent, incompetent asshole.

  5. Maybe they should try it. Good opportunity to use the amendment for removal of these anti-American tyrannical politicians.

    Get this shit over with and look to better days without them trying to control everything about our lives.

  6. Countdown to Jan 20, 2021 9:00 am, so many laser sights, so little brain matter to take out,,,
    Conveniently, Nancy will be absent due to a Depends changing,,.
    The secret service is hoping for a 2-fer with Hilary.

  7. Hey Nancy ┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐
    “…a rifle behind every blade of grass…”
    – Isoroku Yamamoto
    Molon Labe
    ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿’̿’\̵͇̿̿\з= ( ▀ ͜͞ʖ▀) =ε/̵͇̿̿/’̿’̿ ̿ ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿̿

  8. Also…
    The 2nd Amendment DOES NOT give me the right to bear arms. It simply documents it.
    Trash it if you want. If you come for my guns, your fate at the bottom of my driveway will be the same regardless of what is written on a piece of paper.

  9. I’m the one who thumbed up “ammosexual”, because I liked the sound of that.
    Has a nice ring.
    At work today the guys were talking about all the new titles available and I referenced the “I identify as a blackhawk helicopter”, all of them laughed and enjoyed that one.
    I think they’ll also like the ring of ammosexual, most of them go out shooting frequently.
    But otherwise Larry The Liberal, go fuck yourself.

  10. It’s the responsibility of the Federal government to secure our border – didn’t Nan’s mom tell her about all they went through at Ellis Island?
    Assuming they came legally, of course.
    However, government has no Constitutional right to nullify an enumerated right.
    Larry, if that’s how you think it will go, your loonier than the average loony libtard.


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