Because stupid people are so much easier to control – IOTW Report

Because stupid people are so much easier to control

PatriotRetort: The Daily Caller had a story yesterday evening that the State of California will be retroactively issuing high school diplomas to every student who flunked out from 2004.


If your jaw just hit the floor, you’re not alone.

You see in order to graduate, California high school students had to pass a standardized test called CASHEE (California High School Exit Exam) which was created in 2004 with the objective to confirm that graduating students possessed a rudimentary grasp of English and math.

The test isn’t exactly difficult. In fact, the math test only covers 8th grade-level material and requires only a 55% to gain a passing grade.

Look at a sample question:

19 Comments on Because stupid people are so much easier to control

  1. The whole education system is so screwed up by the socialist progressives that if you try to explain the problems to somebody who is unaware of them, they say something like, “no, you’re bullshitting me!?” It’s hard to believe how fckd up it is.

    You want stupid kids, send them to a government controlled school.

  2. Eventually, everyone (negroes and spikspanics) will be issued a HS Diploma at birth, and then either an AA, BA, BS, MA, MS, PhD, DDS, or MD based on whatever percentages of degrees were earned by white people, Indians, and Chinks – and awarded on a random basis.

    It’s the only way to be fair.

  3. Not worth the paper it was printed on.

    We wonder why employers are not hiring youth. Well, when a good chunk of them are stupid and have an entitlement attitude it is predictable.

  4. This smack’s of Robert Heinlein’s Friday published in 1982.

    It seemed research revealed that people with bachelor’s degrees made more money than mere high school graduates. In order to equalize the opportunity, every high school graduate would henceforth be awarded a bachelor’s degree. Later, it was made retroactive for all high school graduates.

  5. I don’t believe that the motivation here is control. By giving out all those unearned HS diplomas, govt agencies won’t take the PR hit they’d otherwise suffer by lowering the qualifications for cops, fire fighters, military enlistees, etc. This is stealth affirmative action.

  6. Think of it as Jerry Browns version of a participation medal.

    I saw my first Sanders bumper sticker yesterday. Right next to that one was a bumper sticker that read “Too poor to vote Republican”.

    The stupidity nearly caused my chin to hit the ground. People that stupid should not be allowed to breed.

  7. Have you noticed that many of the changes occurring are similar to the stories of other science fiction stories from the past? Homosexuality in the military? Right from The Forever War by Joe Haldeman, published in 1974. The crumbling of western society? Predicted by Heinlein in Starship Troopers and by Dean Ing in Systemic Shock. And don’t forget what we have already seen from the birth control movement, which Aldous Huxley saw and wrote about in Brave New World.

  8. Lack of discernment on an educational level ( i.e. grades ) will surely end in mediocrity, or, if you’ve seen it, Idiocracy.
    F that. No pedastal here, but the greatness of an individual comes from their adversities, their earned efforts, and their self-denial. To make everyone pass without achievement makes equal those that applied themselves.

    Communism, or at least the principles, are ever before us.

    Let’s get hated.

  9. Geez, when I went to school the question would have been asked this way – If you make 4 out of 5 basketball shots what percentage of shots did you make? There weren’t any multiple guesses to chose from.

    btw – every time I see that graphic sketch used in this post I see Jackie Chan. It is just me that sees Jackie? Who is likely a bright guy.

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