Because You Can’t Spell Congress Without “Con” – IOTW Report

Because You Can’t Spell Congress Without “Con”

Report Shows How Much Top Lawmakers Made on the Stock Market in 2023.

10 Comments on Because You Can’t Spell Congress Without “Con”

  1. Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

    Once their voting preference for a bill changed from what’s best for the country to what’s best for themselves, total corruption took hold.

    May need to wipe the slate clean, as the fixes for this problem are few and far between.


  2. These criminals are ONLY able to do this because they are ALLOWED, UNCONSTITUTIONALLY, to regulate and micromanage every aspect of our economy and lives. Slash 99% of their power and the problem goes away. Actually, nearly EVERY PROBLEM goes away.

  3. Sadly, I can’t think of a single historical instance of totalitarians willingly giving up power.
    The greedy maggots will have to be forcibly removed.
    And, in all probability, replaced by other greedy maggots.
    It’s the human condition: When Adam threw in with Satan and rejected God, God let him go his way – hence, man’s most trusted counselor is Satan.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. @ an ol exJarhead SUNDAY, 7 JANUARY 2024, 7:02 AT 7:02 AM

    That is just the people that are giving them the money trying to throw it in our face by telling us how they are doing it, but doing it in ignorant language.

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