Becoming a Viral Meme was the least of Chuck & Nancy’s problems – IOTW Report

Becoming a Viral Meme was the least of Chuck & Nancy’s problems

Patriot Retort: I said yesterday afternoon that it was not going to be a win for the Democrats to give a rebuttal to President Trump’s Oval Office Address.

And, boy, did I call it.

Before they even finished their awkward response, Chuck and Nancy became a viral meme on social media.

And though I despise when people write headlines with the phrase, “Twitter explodes,” there really is no other way to describe it.

The meme makers were working overtime.

Who can blame them?  There was so much fertile ground on which to build meme after meme of Chuck and Nancy’s embarrassing rebuttal.

My favorites:

12 Comments on Becoming a Viral Meme was the least of Chuck & Nancy’s problems

  1. Heard this on Mr.Pinko and Mike Nordstrom Radio show;
    President Trump spoke about the security of our nation, then we got “The Schancy Response.” Brilliant. They looked like two idiots.
    Sorry Thirdtwin, I thought it was Schancy. No matter.

  2. So today’s news is NO! to Trump by Pelosi. Being a cry-baby President is of no value. A strong leader leads strongly, powerfully. Either Trump does what needs to be done, or he shows himself to be a do-nothing talker. His address to the nation should have been an absolutely decisive one. He would have gotten the real Americans to back him up immediately. “Write your congressperson” just didn’t do it as a call to action. Congress has already refused to put Americans’ welfare first. However, Israel is their first priority of concern to act on already. Americans be damned as they are being by the corrupted, anti-Constitution Congressional political body of traitors.

  3. BUILD THE WALL. Then deposit them on the other side.

    Those two creeps were accustomed to RINOs caving for decades.

    THEN PRESIDENT TRUMP. Winning!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Build the wall, then let these two try out their calculus skills by telling the Mexican crews where to put up the catching net.
    Then use a ballista to fling these two over said wall, and test out their math skills


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