Bed Bath & Beyond exec ID’d as Tribeca ‘Jenga Building’ jumper – IOTW Report

Bed Bath & Beyond exec ID’d as Tribeca ‘Jenga Building’ jumper


The chief financial officer of troubled Bed Bath & Beyond has been identified as the man who jumped to his death from the iconic new Tribeca skyscraper known as the “Jenga Building,” The Post has learned.

Gustavo Arnal, 52, who was also an executive vice president for the struggling home goods retailer, plunged from the 18th floor of 56 Leonard Street on Friday, police sources said.

The 60-story building is best known for its purposely misaligned apartments stacked atop each other, resembling the popular game “Jenga.”

Messages left with Bed Bath & Bed and Arnal’s family Saturday were not immediately returned.

On Aug. 16, Arnal sold 42,513 shares in company stock for a little over a $1 million, according to more

36 Comments on Bed Bath & Beyond exec ID’d as Tribeca ‘Jenga Building’ jumper

  1. “…The company said it has obtained more than $500 million in new financing and was reducing 20% of its workforce…”

    He was part of the 20% but refused their severance package. The rest of you 20% had best take note.

  2. Go Woke, Go Broke, put the company in the toilet aaannnd Go jump off a building!

    That’s whut you got a effin MBA for???
    Whutta waste!

    Assholes everywhere are givin him two thumbs up!

  3. Are we going to see a repeat (God forbid) of business executives jumping out of the windows of high story buildings and committing suicide like at the beginning of the Great Depression in Oct. 1929. And is it a coincidence or not that he just sold a million dollars’ worth of stock a couple of weeks ago. Or was he pushed like in a murder mystery in a made for TV movie like Columbo or Mannix or Barnaby Jones etc.

  4. Its not Clinton related. If it was, he would have hogtied himself and stuffed himself in a gym bag before shooting himself twice in the back of the head with guns of different caliber and THEN jumping off the roof.

  5. @F4UCorsair:

    Nature’s Glue.

    Heh! Quite right!

    Carrying on with the your theme…

    Static application: Nature’s Glue.
    Dynamic application: Nature’s Meat Tenderizer.

  6. @ SNS
    There was a transgender thing that jumped off a 4 storry Safeway building in downtown Portland a year or two ago and a friend of mine witnessed it. I was a few blocks away at a job.
    It hit the ground and then actually stood right up then fell back down into a heap and they halled it off to the hospital somewhat alive. Not sure what happened to it.
    I say ‘it’ because I don’t remember what it was trying to be originally.
    I will just go with nuts and can’t do anything right for starters.

  7. This particular pile of tenderized meat was just avoiding prosecution for various stock frauds he knew he engaged in and of which he was guilty. Don’t kid yourself for one second that he felt badly about any of the employees that lost their jobs, about the company he critically wounded and probably destroyed, or felt guilty about defrauding and debasing people. He was a lowlife crook interested in getting as much for himself at the expense of others. He’s got eternity in hell to contemplate his life model and no one should care one whit.

  8. Toenex
    SEPTEMBER 4, 2022 AT 8:19 PM

    …it kind of depends on the fall and the landing. A fall from height isn’t always vertical, the jumper can flail and bump into things on the way down, possibly striking or even grabbings some protuberence on the structure temporarily, slowing their velocity but dislocating a joint in the process because that’s just too much momentum. They can even grab for the roof they just left out of instant regret, or maybe they “hang dropped”, hanging over the side by their hands and stretching out full length before releasing, getting almost a full story closer to the ground this way.

    But the results are likely lethal anyway. If you ‘Stick’ the landing feet-first, you’ll get your femurs rammed out your ass, something like submarining into the dash in a high speed wreck. May not kill instantly, but will kill soon from the shock and blood loss alone, not to mention that your belly probably split open like a Hot Pocket thrown against a concrete wall. Hands first will shatter your weaker arm bones and pop your collarbone, but may absorb some energy so you can enjoy your pain as your life pours into the gravel, althogh the broken ribs, blown out lungs, bruised and bleeding and possibly blown heart, and maybe extruded organs might make it hard to concentrate. Head first isn’t too survivable even from lower heights because of the liklihood of catastrophic head injury, closed head injury if it somehow fails to break like an egg on impact, and plain ol’ broken neck. Even if you survive the actual impact, which you won’t, you’ll be dead very soon. The rest of your body won’t look like much either as in that attitude you probably drilled into the ground like a fluid-filled fleshbsg missile, but you won’t be around by that point anyway, its more of an issue for the guy who cleans the parking lot at that point.

    On your back would probably be the most visually interesting. You’ll shatter your spine, starting with those poiky protuberences that your spinal cord goes through, obviously wrecking THAT as well and letting that sweet, sweet cerebrospinal fluid water the mouldy stones. This should also blow up your fluid sac organs, stomach, intestines, heart, brain, etc., maybe tossing the solider ones like the kidneys as tetherballs into the nearest lamppost as they burst through your belly, since fluids are not compressible so that force has to come out SOMEWHERE. Your ribs are gone, back of your head is shattered, your grey matter a pulpy mess, you’re pretty much a landscaper’s nightmare even AFTER the poor private ambulance crew the coroner contracts with for body recovery bags all of your fiddly bits that they can find and deposits them at the morgue, where they’ll probably have to run your tox screens with a food processor because you blew up all your great veins in the back.

    And let’s not talk about ass first. Not a great choice, is all I’m saying.

    So I don’t know the details of what your freind saw, but whatever went to the hospital, likely did not live long.



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