Been There. Done That. – IOTW Report

Been There. Done That.

Gates of Vienna:

Unless some compelling reason emerges in future years, this will be my last 9-11 anniversary post.

It’s been an educational twenty years, to say the least. The first three anniversaries came up before Dymphna and I started blogging in October of 2004. During those years we had begun our studies of Islam and sharia, eventually launching Gates of Vienna to make our own small contribution to what later became known as the Counterjihad. From 2005 onward, one or the other of us always did a commemorative post when September 11th rolled around.

I still remember what I was doing when I heard the news on that bright, cool September morning, and how the day subsequently unfolded, but I’m not going to write about all that — I’ve covered it too many times before. And I’ll stay away from the political sequelae, except to note that the way the Patriot Act was eventually abused was at least as bad as the most skeptical libertarians predicted, and probably worse.

Over the next decade I spent a lot of time educating myself about Islam and sharia. Beginning in 2009, retired Major Stephen Coughlin was especially helpful in furthering my education. He made me understand the depth and breadth of the penetration of the federal government and the military by the Muslim Brotherhood, to the point that we had written sharia into the constitutions that we devised for Iraq and Afghanistan. more here

h/t Brad.

5 Comments on Been There. Done That.

  1. I remember Gates of Vienna, Bare Naked Islam and a few other brave blogs taking the slings and arrows of GloboMo before SocMed was a thing. I remember spineless conservative blogs like RedState wilting in the face of GloboMo in the waning years of Bush and the waxing years of Obama, tit/tutting about the lout Tommy Robinson. I remember John McCain raging against Michelle Bachmann for daring to voice concern about Huma Abedin’s Muslim Brotherhood connections.

    Well take heart, all of you foul Globalist apologists for islam. You’ve finally got the Gayes of Vienna thorn out of your side (you hope), and you’ve got the sellout puppet President you sought in McCain and Hillary. Enjoy your Pyrrhic victory.

  2. Joe6 ~ thanks for pointing out Steyn’s column

    “There are honorable ways to lose a war. This was not one of them. We have dishonored the dead of 9/11 and insulted their sacrifice.” ~ Mark Steyn

  3. Right there is why idiots like GW Bush stand in front of families of people killed by islamists claiming Trump supporters are as bad as the islamists who attacked on 9/11.
    Trump exposed to the light what a lot of us suspected and a lot of what was hidden from us.

    If the majority of Republican politicians weren’t globalist jelly fish, they could stop the Dirty Dems.
    If they aren’t stopped, eventually their enemy of their enemy will destroy them.


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