Footage from ca. 1942 – with the aim of encouraging factory workers to produce the best canned beet products possible.
Footage from ca. 1942 – with the aim of encouraging factory workers to produce the best canned beet products possible.
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A beet?
I don’t eat joke food
A beet?
No way in hell
I love beets. They boost nitric oxide. And they make your clothes look like they were tie-dyed.
Poor people like and eat beets. It’s an historical fact.
I’m 48 years old and I tasted a beet I think, once. Not part of my Thanksgiving.
Poor people like water and air too.
If you lift weights and you don’t use beet powder or juice, you are really missing out on a good thing. Beet juice will improve your performance in the gym. Look it up. I juice them stems, leaves, and all, after a good scrubbing. Best NOx boost I’ve found.
The Devil made beets, God made potatoes.
Potatoes won’t increase your endurance.
Try juicing some beets, spinach, and carrots some time. Then go for a run.
Country Dick Montana and the beat farmers want all of us insomniacs to party…
I’m not an insomniac, I just find there are less assholes to deal with on the night shift
Unruly, you mean a run to McDonald’s?
No, stay away from fake food. Run down a country road. If there aren’t any country roads near you, move to the country.
Unruly, I get it. I actually have a beet recipe that I cook for my wife when she brings them home. I just don’t like them. I eat other veggies.
Like this road:
where me and my dog like to run
Meerkat, they taste like dirt when you juice them. Not a very good selling point, I know. But I still juice the hell out of them. I never really liked them when my mom use to cook them with dinner. But I sure do miss her cooking.
Dang, I love beets! Fresh from the garden, wash and peel…better than apple, eat right there in the yard on the way over to the carrots and bell peppers:)
Love ’em in a salad! Chop them small and stir’em in
Unruly, I juice as well. Very fresh is best.
Tried juicing and dehydrating to make a beet roll-up. Worked ok but I think I’d like to combine it with blueberry.
Unruly….I befriended a Russian family a few years back. I helped them repair a couple of cars and they had me over for Borscht,,,I made it several times after that and it was never as good as they made it. Mama knew some sneaky tricks…
Perspective, blueberries are great too. Sounds like you like healthy food.
@willysgoatgruff, I just read this on Gab:
“I’m not an alcoholic, alcoholics go to meetings.
I’m a drunk, we go to parties.”
Willie, I’ve never had Borscht. May have to try it some time.
“Sounds like you like healthy food.”
Yes, and borscht!
Mostly I just like good food. Don’t eat much crap-food. I should be a huge 300 pound way-chubby guy.
Perspective, that’s wisdom.
“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”
― Hippocrates
Beet powder in my workout shaker and fresh beets in my salads-beet juice too with some limes and carrots is a wonderful afternoon pick me up. My gal brought in about 20 from the garden yesterday-so weird to be harvesting in late Nov but we’ve still got a lot more to bring in.
Gave up running 30 years ago Unruly, even then my knees were making crinkle sounds-so glad I did too. Yesterday was leg day and I love squats, don’t think I’d be doing them with bad knees.
“beet juice too with some limes and carrots ”
Yum! That sounds great
I canned a blueberry-lime jam this year. Perfect!
MM, you can’t beat food fresh from the garden, that is by far the best kind.
I don’t do much running anymore myself, too much of a shock on the fused vertebrae. I’ll run my dogs while I ride a mountain bike or just walk with them along the river. This is a good time of year for that.
Goodnight (or morning for you day shift guys)
I love pickled beets, I can eat a whole can of pickled beets in one sitting at times. And you know what they say, you can’t beat beets.
Unruly is on the money about beats. I’ve been using Creatine for a long time. Reason? Positive NOx. Trying Super Beets next week.
Beets, Freaken IPhone spell checker
Everyone loves to meet their beet.
There, I said it. Seemed like this pathetic thread needed it.
Love beets, but the first time I had a bunch of them it scared the hell outta me the next day!
Thought I had internal troubles!
Yes comrades. You must work efficiently for the Motherland.
I don’t eat beets.
And I don’t smoke shit.
@geoff the aardvark:
Oh, yeah–pickled beets!!! Yum, especially when they’ve been chilled…more satisfying than any ‘sweet’ you can think of. I eat them right out of the jar (I live alone), then drink the juice for an extra treat.
Borscht is fantastic too, if prepared properly. Store beets usually suck, so you need to find a farmer who grows them, preferably organically. Sweeter than your favorite apple!