Before Dems made Oleg Deripaska a boogeyman, Hunter Biden plotted to make money off Russian – IOTW Report

Before Dems made Oleg Deripaska a boogeyman, Hunter Biden plotted to make money off Russian

Just The News:

In March 2011, then-Vice President Joe Biden gave a much-ballyhooed speech at Moscow State University arguing the Obama-Biden reboot of U.S.-Russia relations had achieved great success, even singling out as an example the U.S. aluminum giant Alcoa for its new business ties inside Vladimir Putin’s country.

“The reset is working,” Biden crowed. “Working for all of us. Working for Russia. And I would presumptuously suggest working for the world.”

That reset didn’t last long. Putin’s forces would invade the Crimea region of Ukraine in 2014 in an act of aggression that haunts Biden to this day. This week, now-President Biden was forced to clarify remarks after he created an international outcry by suggesting Russia might get away with a new “minor incursion” into Ukraine.

But at the time in 2011, Biden’s speech was deemed a big moment, enough so that a copy of the text was emailed by an Obama Department of Energy official to the vice president’s globe-trotting son Hunter Biden, then-cochairman of the Rosemont Seneca Partners investment firm. READ MORE

3 Comments on Before Dems made Oleg Deripaska a boogeyman, Hunter Biden plotted to make money off Russian

  1. Ukraine = Corrupt shithole.
    Russia = World’s Most powerful Mob Boss with Nukes.
    Biden = Most Corrupt rubber stamp US *resident in my lifetime.

    That is why no one should care.


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