Behind the lawn-sign platitudes beats the heart of a NIMBY – IOTW Report

Behind the lawn-sign platitudes beats the heart of a NIMBY

Patriot Retort

It’s been rather amusing seeing how quickly the lawn-sign platitude crowd reveals their true NIMBY nature when the rubber meets the road.

Thanks to Florida Governor Ron DeSantis following through on a promise he made last year to start sending illegal aliens to places like Martha’s Vineyard and Biden’s home state of Delaware, Democrats who never tire of telling us how noble and virtuous they are quickly shifted from “Immigrants Welcome!” to “Not in My Backyard.”

It took Martha’s Vineyard less than two days to coral the 50 illegal aliens DeSantis flew to their island, load them onto buses, and send them to a military base, but not before making a grand show of how charitable and virtuous they were.

But it’s easy to be virtuous for less than two days.

A friend once told me not to rush into a relationship because any guy can be a gentleman in the short term. It’s over the long term that you find out the true nature of a guy.

The same holds true for lawn-sign liberals.

11 Comments on Behind the lawn-sign platitudes beats the heart of a NIMBY

  1. Did you see what the Mahthah’s Vinyahd elites fed the illegals?
    Boxed cereal.
    Oh, how generous!
    To get the military to move that quickly the powerful elites of the island had to have had direct access to Charlie Baker.

  2. @Wyatt

    How about “You’ve Got a Friend – Now Get Off My Lawn!” I may have a huge oceanfront spread equal to Barry’s estate but that doesn’t mean I want any of you losers to set foot on it. We never thought the day would come when we would be asked to practice our very virtue. It’s a lot easier to be a sanctuary when the illegals are far far away from your sanctuary.

    Very truly yours – James Taylor

  3. TRF
    SEPTEMBER 19, 2022 AT 10:36 AM
    ‘Wanna really twist the Hypocritical Knife in these Liberals?
    Place “No Gun Zone” signs in their front lawn!”

    …you’ll be shot by their private security…and in some cases the Secret Service…if you try.

  4. This will not embarrass liberals one bit. Nothing embarrasses them. From crapping in public to sex with horses to molesting little kids, there is nothing that will embarrass a liberal.

    A sewer or an insane asylum is where they should be. A combination sewer/insane asylum would even be better.

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