Behind the scenes – IOTW Report

Behind the scenes

Matt Gaetz reveals what happened in the private meeting to oust Liz Cheney.

9 Comments on Behind the scenes

  1. Surprisingly Michael Reagan penned a Cheney supporting editorial than gave her credit for voting with President Trump 92% of the time.

    Yes, Michael, but she also voted to IMPEACH the President, the leader of her party, without possibly having any proof that the election was NOT illegitimate. There was no proof either way, because SCOTUS stonewalled and no one else cared to look, while the evidence was everywhere. Oh, sure, the Media assured her there was no ‘widespread evidence of election fraud’! But I’m sure she and her Pop were watching the returns coverage and saw what we saw– worse than any prior year, halting of counts, reversal of totals, and more.

    She should be caned, thrown out of Congress, and made to change Biden’s diapers, instead of me having to listen to her garbage about principles and how much she opposes all the destruction that we all knew Biden (obozo 2.0) would wreak on the country. She, and the rest of the self-enriching statists, allowed the faker to seize the Oval Office.

    Fuck them all, this will end bloody and the blood is on their hands and heads.

  2. Lizzy has INCURABLE Trump Derangement Syndrome.
    – They gave her a chance, but she continued to focus on Trump instead of the Communist takeover of the country.
    – So now she is gone. It is reasonable to dump her.


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