Behold, the Revenge of The Weiner – IOTW Report

Behold, the Revenge of The Weiner

Breitbart: Only in the world of the Clintons could a lecherous serial oversharer like Anthony Weiner become such a star.

It was the Clintons, after all, who introduced The Weiner to the young and glamorous Huma Abedin, who has served Hillary Clinton in the closest capacity for two decades, starting out as an intern.

By the way, what is it with the Clintons and their interns? Why must they always disgrace and defile and destroy them? Is it simply that they cannot resist taking complete advantage of anyone who comes to them so young and impressionable?

Famously, the Clintons encouraged the romance and union between The Weiner and their intern. The former intern surely envisioned herself and The Weiner as a budding power couple tightly orbiting the famous and powerful Bill and Hillary Clinton.

Remember the opulent and glamorous photo shoot under the trees in wedding attire that ran in some glossy fashion magazine? And Bill Clinton officiated the nuptials? (NOTE: Kids, if you are thinking of getting married and Bill Clinton is the guy performing your wedding ceremony, you might ask yourself whether this is the healthiest of relationships you’re getting into.)

I remember the first time I met The Weiner. It was on Capitol Hill years ago before he became such a disgrace that even Congress would not have him anymore. We dined at a restaurant a few blocks from the Capitol.  MORE

19 Comments on Behold, the Revenge of The Weiner

  1. The most dangerous threat to Clinton is someone with inside information who has nothing left to lose. In other words, Anthony Weiner. Carlos Danger is probably going down on child porography charges, and is either trying to get favorable treatment or doing this for kicks.

    By the way, why isn’t Clinton attacking Weiner for these disclosures? She doesn’t mention him at all; perhaps she is just too used to being associated with sex fiends.

  2. A meme running around the innertube is the emails were found in a file labeled “Insurance”.
    Probably not true but funny.
    Lets face it, if not for Hillary, he would still be married to the Muslim plant for The Manchurian Candidate.

  3. They need to look for remote access to this computer. I bet they find plenty.
    How improbable is this cast of characters.
    Huma’s parents: Sharia Mongers and purveyors of radical Islamic propaganda. They blessed their Daughter’s marriage to a JEW? Hah! I don’t buy it.
    Their Daughter: Connected at the highest levels, edits their propaganda website. Right hand to the potential President.
    I say her marriage to Carlos Danger was a Red Herring, meant to throw off speculation about Huma and her connection to radical Islam so the Persians could attach another Iranian like a Lamprey to the US power structure.
    Wiener: Poor guy probably never saw Huma naked, unless she sexted him. Mad at the fact his virility was being warehoused, he behaves badly.

  4. Like I assured my wife, Good (God) always prevails.

    The reason: no matter how long the cycle takes, Evil eventually turns cannibal on itself.

    Behold the beauty of that cycle.

  5. A Wiener’s gonna do what a Wiener’s gotta do. For the very life of me I can’t imagine taking pics of my privates much less sending them to anyone.

    Life insurance? Those files are only good if wielded like the Sword of Damocles. Now that they’re out so is their value.

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