Beijing Announces Lowering of 850 Import Tariffs – IOTW Report

Beijing Announces Lowering of 850 Import Tariffs

CTH: Donald J Trump was the only candidate in 2016 who knew how to use China’s panda playbook against them.  Thus, when you plant your tree in another man’s orchard, don’t be surprised when he charges you to harvest your own apples. more

2 Comments on Beijing Announces Lowering of 850 Import Tariffs

  1. What is really sad about this is that NOBODY in government or industry in this country gave a shit about all the people who lost jobs to overseas competitors FOR DECADES prior to President Trump.
    I watched as the multinational company I work for shuttered plants all across the USA in the 90s and 00s. I asked why, and the answer was “it’s cheaper”.
    I developed a new product for a USA plant that cut the cost by over 10% compared to the current product while improving performance and reliability. As we were prepping for production the president of operations called me aside and told me to start the process for production in Mexico, but don’t tell anyone at the USA plant. I asked why my product had to go after all we did to get the costs down. He said the decision was already made to shut the plant and everything was moving. I hated myself for being a pawn in the process.


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