Beijing Bribery – Bartiromo Releases Exclusive Segment With President Trump: “Deep Seated Corruption” and DC “People are Protected” – IOTW Report

Beijing Bribery – Bartiromo Releases Exclusive Segment With President Trump: “Deep Seated Corruption” and DC “People are Protected”


During an interview segment with Homeland Security Committee Chairman Ron Johnson discussing the Chinese pay-offs to the Biden family, Ms. Bartiromo plays an audio soundbite from President Trump outlining the motive for DC to blame Russia not China.

As noted by President Trump the DC system cannot use China as the foil for their political attack narratives because Beijing has used financial schemes as an intelligence operation to compromise most of the more influential politicians.   The Chinese payments to Joe Biden and family are only one example; there are likely dozens of high-powered DC politicians who have taken bribes from the Chinese Communist Party; thus DC has willfully created a corrupt system of mutually assured destruction… ergo they must ignore.

Once you realize that Beijing has paid-off top level DC politicians for influence operations, you are well positioned to think about how much the Chinese Communist Party has paid to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and Tom Donohue inc etc.  Once that light-bulb goes off you start to rethink the background motives for the number one lobbyist in Washington DC… and then suddenly a lot of things make a lot more sense. more

12 Comments on Beijing Bribery – Bartiromo Releases Exclusive Segment With President Trump: “Deep Seated Corruption” and DC “People are Protected”

  1. I don’t think anyone will ever be charged, the best that can be hoped for is they are removed from their elected and non-elected positions. There is a different justice system for us and them.

    I was talking to someone this morning who doesn’t believe any of this stuff because it’s on the internet and not the news. People who sit in front of a tv all the time are brainwashed idiots. I’m just thankful from watching the rallies popping up all over shows there are more of us than them.

  2. Ha ‘the news’. I’ve never seen so many lawsuits filed against ‘the news’ for fraud, lies, slander, abuse, as I’ve seen in the last two years.
    Watching ‘the news’ for information is like hiring a klepto to clean your home.

  3. The ChiComs have bribed and blackmailed everyone they possibly could from every country doing business with them for decades. They control Washington DC and they own the Biden Family through influence investments and hidden gifts. The Bidens are just the ones garnering the attention now, because of an “unverified” laptop hard drive. This is going to be bigger than Humper and Dementia Joe. By golly, it sounds like a job for Robert Woodward and Carl Bernstein! Maybe Leslie Stahl!

  4. @ Old Racist White Woman:

    There’s plenty of people who do not own TV’s like myself. Plenty of people are on the internet who read and get their info off the internet. Haven’t seen anything positive about the Bidens, and if it weren’t for the internet, none of this stuff would be getting out. I’m fully dependent on the internet for “news.” One more thing, mostly retired people sit at home and watch TV. Some are sharp and know that TV news is lying. These same retirees are also on the internet, and get the info there. My mother is 97 doesn’t have a computer. She’s got me though to inform her, unlike Joe, my mother gets it. I keep my email list of people informed as well. This is how info these days gets around. One thing I like that internet news outlets use is that screenshot. Twatter and Fakebook are going to get their come uppins, and soon.

  5. @ Odin 2013: “Would be nice for her to get her just deserts; we’ll have to wait and see”

    Yep, we’d all like to see Nancy cuffed and stuffed. Consider though how many Rs are on the Chicom payout list. It will be a miracle if all the pols on the take, be it China or Shell Oil, would be removed from office.

    An old hippie can dream, right?

  6. MJA – They just write it off as the cost of doing the business of pushing an agenda to collapse the United States, and when that’s the objective ROI is the last thing they’re worried about!

  7. I keep saying it.

    It’s time to GO FULL LINCOLN, Mr. President.

    Let’s go even further: kick Chinese politicians, businessmen, investors, professors, students, researchers, medical people, etc., out of the United States. BAN any Chinese citizen or company from purchasing ANY real property, business enterprise, contract, license, patent, trade mark or copy right in the United States.

    Go ahead and use the word “purge.” They understand that.


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