Belgian authorities questioned Paris attacker for only an hour over four days – IOTW Report

Belgian authorities questioned Paris attacker for only an hour over four days

Salah Abdeslam

AmericanThinker: Evidence continues to mount that Belgian authorities are clueless about protecting their citizens from terrorism. Yesterday, I wrote about how badly Belgian security had botched the investigation into activities of the terrorist who helped carry out the attacks in Paris. Salah Abdeslam was in the custody of Belgian police for 4 days and was questioned for less than an hour.

You won’t believe the reason why.

5 Comments on Belgian authorities questioned Paris attacker for only an hour over four days

  1. This tells us that we are our own best defense — always be prepared and always be armed… it will not be 100% foolproof, but it is better than waiting for any governmental body – whether police, militia or regular military to do the necessary. We would then be allowing ourselves to be fodder for the barbarians.

    On the macro level, with the USA guaranteeing that they will defend Europe (via NATO) after WW II, then they infantilized all those European countries, who are now clueless on how to do it themselves.

    This is one reason why Israel has remained strong — they know that in the long run, they can only depend on themselves.

  2. If that bastard fell into my clutches the interrogation would not STOP for more than an hour in four days.
    He would be taller (rack) have a bounce in his step (car battery) and have a fresh new outlook (flaying).
    When I extract the last useful bit of information he is summarily shot for being a non uniformed combatant guilty of war crimes and his body ground up and fed to pigs.

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