Belgian PM: We are not at war with Islam – IOTW Report

Belgian PM: We are not at war with Islam


Pamela Geller:

“This is not a war between the West and Islam….But I am confident that we will win.”

How can he be confident that they will win when he refuses to identify the ideological roots of the problem?

AhlulBayt News Agency – Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel vowed on Sunday that the West will ultimately defeat terrorist group Daesh (the so called IS) as the royal family hosted a ceremony marking two months since the deadly Brussels bombings.


18 Comments on Belgian PM: We are not at war with Islam

  1. Do these people truly believe this? Are they that stupid? Are they scared to say something? Combination of both? And the sheep that vote them in just as stupid? I don’t get.

  2. Crank, my downtwinkle was another ‘Minute-of-downtwinkle” error; I agree with you.

    Goes with that “When you’ve secured an area, don’t forget to notify the enemy.”

  3. Somehow, Europe gets what it deserves…..and you know what? They deserve every bit of it because they are so much better than and so unlike us. [sarcasm intended]

  4. History repeats itself….
    at the beginning of WW II Belgium was neutral (they were not at war with Germany, either) …. until Germany invaded Belgium on 10 May 1940, Their policy of neutrality had left Belgium with an outdated and ill-equipped military. Belgium fought for 18 whole “days” before they surrendered. For many their surrender had been an act of collaboration with the Nazis. Belgium was occupied until late 1944 and early 1945.

    It appears they are in the process of surrendering again to the muslim facists and terrorists who also supported Hitler and Germany during WWII.

  5. It’s pretty easy to see what’s going on in the world with islam indiscriminately attacking anybody it can. It is their history, it is their way, it is their stated purpose in life and death. To deny it is to surrender and capitulate to these animals you sniveling, dumbed-down, self-absorbed, kumbaya-singing, Xanax-disabled, COEXIST bumper-sticker, Politically Correct, Belgian waffle-brained Asshole!!

  6. The Belgian Farewell Tour.

    Starring: Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel

    It’s to die for.

    You’ll know it’s over when everyone in what was Belgium knows exactly which way Mecca is.

    Holy crap!! An edit button!

  7. A punchable face? Herschel’s Dictum comes to mind:

    There aren’t too many human interaction problems that can’t be fixed with a .45 ACP 230-grain fat-boy.

    Herschel Smith.

    So, can I punch with one o’ those fat-boys, please?

    EDIT: I didn’t change anything, I was just so happy to see the edit function come back I had to try it. Thanks 1e6 BigFurHat!

  8. Judging from the lack of hair and shortage of oxygen to his brain, I think he has spent too much time with his head buried in the sand.

    But then, I suppose that is a position the friendly, peaceful Muslim invaders want him to maintain.

1 Trackbacks & Pingbacks

  1. Silence is Consent | Belgium’s Prime Minister gives terrorists with peace of mind: “We are not at war with Islam”

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